Ryan and Dustin spend some time in the backyard and around their neighborhoods looking for those magical, winged creatures we call birds.
Ryan used the Birds Near Me App (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/birds-near-me/id918377574) available for download for free.
Dustin used the National Audubon Society: Field Guide to Birds, Eastern Region (https://www.amazon.com/National-Audubon-Society-Field-American/dp/0679428526/ref=sr_1_3?crid=PZRP5053S2OK&dchild=1&keywords=national+audubon+society+field+guide+birds+eastern+region&qid=1593050847&sprefix=national+audobon+%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-3) available for purchase from Amazon.

Ryan and Dustin spend some time in the backyard and around their neighborhoods looking for those magical, winged creatures we call birds.

Ryan used the Birds Near Me App available for download for free.

Dustin used the National Audubon Society: Field Guide to Birds, Eastern Region available for purchase from Amazon.