Kindness is king. You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Too true! It's sad how often agents approach each other with ego, arrogance and attitude. WTF? Instead, imagine a world where agents always came from a place of respect, professionalism and courtesy. Wow! What a world!

Be really honest with yourself and look at where you can bring more kindness into your words and actions. If things are going sideways in a deal, how can you put your emotions to the side, focus on the facts and work towards a solution?

Also, how can you be more open and accepting of all types of clients, so you are known for only ever being a consummate professional, who treats everyone the same?

Emotions are crazy powerful, and they can blind us to what is really going on, or what we really need to be doing in the moment.

Use "be kind" as your motto this week and see where it gets you.

Sponsors: RE/MAX Realty Affiliates: Patrick Winchell: Contact Info: Shauna Ganes [email protected]