In this episode, DJ talks with Michele Benyo to discuss how to  help your child(ren) cope with the grief of losing their sibling when you are coping with the grief of losing your child.

Some try to heal from a loss by refusing grief and ignoring it. These people don't heal and have a harder time... Grief is a necessary part of healing. Tune in to this episode to hear one mother’s journey through the grief of losing her son to cancer and how she helped her young daughter learn to cope in a world without her big brother.

Listen to this episode to hear how one mother’s quest for resources to help herself through the loss of her son and her daughter through the loss of her brother led to the creation of Good Grief Parenting - a resource that provides guidance, assurance, skills and the tools you need to support your grieving child and yourself as you heal from loss.

When parents suffer the death of a child, the bereaved sibling is often a forgotten griever. Their loss and their grief have a lifelong impact on their sense of self and belonging. Don’t miss this episode! DJ talks with Michele Benyo, founder of Good Grief Parenting, who will help you understand that by fostering understanding of your surviving child, you will empower them to grow into wholeness.

Are you a parent that has experienced the loss of a child? What resources did you have available to you to deal with the grief and help your surviving child(ren) cope? Please share your experience with us and tag us on Facebook or Instagram @littleheartsacademy

Connect with the host:
DJ Stutz:

Connect with our guest:
Michelle Benyo