Hey there word nerds! Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing my friend and fellow New Yorker, Amanda Slavin.

Amanda is the founder and CEO of the award-winning brand consulting firm CatalystCreativ, the author of The Seventh Level book, and the creator of the Seventh Level Engagement Framework. She uses this framework to guide brands like Coca-Cola, Google, and HubSpot to connect more meaningfully with their customers and improve their bottom lines.

So you may be wondering, “How does this apply to us writers?” Amanda and I were chatting over coffee some time ago, and as she described the 7th Level framework, I started to see connections between this marketing framework and how we as writers create books as an experience for our readers.

Amanda has spoken at events like SXSW, TED, and INBOUND about the Seventh Level and her writing has been featured in places like Inc., Forbes, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, and Time. She lives in New York City with her husband and her cockapoo.

In this episode Amanda and I discuss:

How the “Seventh Level” framework applies to writers The origins of the Seventh Level How a Seventh Level statement applies to literary themes Using levels 1-3 keep your target readers engaged Using character change to inspire and connect with readers

Plus, her #1 tip for writers.

For more info and shownotes: www.diymfa.com/279