In this show, Leh starts off with an announcement that is both happy and sad all at the same time.  Then Leh and Todd discuss resources to help save your marriage if it is in the middle of a crisis; to help you improve your marriage; to help you prepare for your next marriage; and to help you improve your communication skills.  They explain how to listen to their past shows together to gain the greatest benefit.  The shows they reference in this episode are listed below:

11 - Can I Save My Marriage if it is on the Edge of a Divorce? 14 - Marriage Tips from a Divorce Lawyer 25 -  How to Run TOWARDS Difficult Conversations 39 -  Marriage Intensives and Workshops 55 - The Five Love Languages - An Interview with Dr. Gary Chapman 90 -10 Things You Can Start Doing Today to inoculate your marriage 91 - Taking Your Marriage to the Next Level:  Practicing Healthy Communication 102 - New Life after divorce with Bill Butterworth 107 - Healing Past Divorce with Joshua Ludlum 131 - What is Discernment Counseling and How It Can Help If You Are Considering Divorce with Matt Driggers 148 - Seeking Wise Counsel to Build a Thriving Marriage or Survive a Divorce 158 - 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Filing for Divorce 160 Ellen Marmon A Divorce with a Happy Ending - A Story of Reconciliation 162 - Raising an Organized Child in a Blended Family 189 - 10 New Year's Resolutions for Your Marriage