Divorce Talk With Nicola Beer artwork

Divorce Talk With Nicola Beer

103 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 7 years ago - ★★★★ - 27 ratings

Do you want to save and revive your marriage? Create a new life after divorce? Or perhaps help your children through divorce?

This show focuses on helping executives, professionals and expats get unstuck, create change, heal their life and relationships after marriage breakdown and divorce.

The show includes tips from Nicola Beer, an International Relationship & Divorce coach as well as interviews with best-selling authors, speakers, divorce lawyers and mediators.

Alternative Health Health & Fitness Society & Culture divorce marriage counseling relationship counseling marriage coaching parenting and divorce co-parenting
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Criticism in Relationships Doesn't Work - Marriage & Divorce Counseling

January 23, 2016 09:16 - 23 minutes - 32.8 MB

I don’t believe “Constructive Criticism” works in close relationships, especially between husband and wife. Criticism kill passion, love and closeness Just the same way Self-Criticism diminishes self-esteem, confidence and overall happiness. Even in business surveys and statistical data show that frequent Criticism is responsible for millions of employee sick days, job dissatisfaction and resignations. Which in turn contributes to a decrease in productivity and profits. Ongoing Criticism ...

Strategies to help make New Habits & Changes Stick

January 10, 2016 15:09 - 12 minutes - 17 MB

Did you make any New Year resolutions? Perhaps you don’t believe in them but have been wanting to make some positive changes in 2016. Either way, how are the changes going? If you have failed to do what you planned, don’t give up! Set-backs happen, just recommit to your goals and start again if you need to. Those who succeed keep going, they “get back on the horse” and try again. Another powerful method to is to install the changes at the unconscious level using Hypnosis… here I inter...

Combat Separation Anxiety & Divorce Fears in 3 Steps

January 03, 2016 20:02 - 14 minutes - 20 MB

The first conversation and thoughts about ending your marriage often results in numerous questions, doubts and fears come flooding in. If you’re unsure, you may think it’s safer to ignore and bury your feelings but this won’t help you long-term. Fears must be dealt with, addressed or put to rest, in order to gain peace of mind and move forward. Especially if you have made the decision to leave. Many clients share with me that before they booked my programs they were barely functioning, coul...

Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway - Overcome Relationship Fears

December 30, 2015 19:04 - 19 minutes - 26.4 MB

Face and overcome your fears this year. Whether it’s a fear of loving and trusting again after a break up, a fear of loving fully to your partner after a rough patch, a fear of starting something new. When we address our fears we become powerful. In this episode you will learn a 5 step process to face your fears this year. I will share with you my biggest relationship and personal fears as an example and encourage you to seize back your power and make 2016 your best year yet. If you want mo...

Too busy with work for your marriage? Workaholism & Relationships

December 06, 2015 19:56 - 15 minutes - 21.2 MB

Are you too or your partner too busy with work for your marriage? Does your profession own you? Does work keep you away from quality time – or any time from your relationship and family? Do the demands of errands, meetings and emergencies keep you from catching your breath? If you answered yes to this you could be suffering from workaholism. In this episode I cover 7 tips to stop work from interfering with your marriage and family time. Nicola Beer – International Relationship & Divorce...

Rediscover Your Place In the World After A Break Up in 10 Steps- Lesson 5

December 01, 2015 19:28 - 16 minutes - 23.3 MB

Like many of the individuals I work with, when I went through a break up 6 years ago, I felt lost, alone, confused and exhausted. I was stuck with no peace. Stuck with the same disempowering questions going round and round my in head: Why did they do that? Why me? Why now? What’s wrong with me? Will I ever be happy? Will I ever meet someone that loves me again? Will I survive financially? Then there are the questions about who, what and where you should be. Where the confusion over who you ar...

Recovering from Affairs and Multiple Marriages - Lesson 4 of 7

November 29, 2015 17:39 - 18 minutes - 26 MB

Since working with individuals over the years to heal from infidelity and multiple marriages, I have learnt what successful rebuilders do compared to those unsuccessful in repairing their relationships after affairs. Whilst there is no denying that affairs can destroy love, relationships and self-confidence, they don’t have to. As long as the betrayer follows some crucial steps to help their spouse heal and together the couple look at ways to improve and strengthen their marriage. in this e...

His Needs, Her Needs How They Differ and Why There Important

November 26, 2015 06:36 - 18 minutes - 25.4 MB

During the training I learnt about the different types of relationship needs individuals have. I became aware that many individuals like I did, focused on giving their partner more of what they want and not what their partner needs. The problem with this was clear. When you do this you IGNORE your lover’s needs. Men and Women would find despite all their best efforts their partner failed to respond, reciprocate or appreciate. I noticed couples where it was obvious that they deeply loved and ...

Lesson 2 - The Love You Have Is Determined By YOU

November 21, 2015 20:40 - 21 minutes - 29.2 MB

The Love You Have is Determined By YOU Before… Before I became UK certified in grief and loss, studied relationship coaching and emotional healing techniques - I didn’t love myself enough, or really at all for that matter… I rarely took time for me, it was work, work, work or running round after others. Often I would find it hard to accept compliments and gifts. Somehow I felt I don’t deserve it… All of this is blocking love from coming in. During… the training I learnt that loving y...

Lesson 1 - Emotional Honesty & Expression Is Key in Marriage

November 21, 2015 20:40 - 14 minutes - 20.4 MB

Lesson 1 of 7 – Emotional Honesty & Expression Is Key – Overcoming Gridlock - - Before, I never use to say when I was upset or share my feelings. Mainly because I didn’t know how to share my feelings and bring up topics. During studying more about relationships I realized that successful couples in marriages, express themselves and that a solid relationship is based on emotional honesty. Working with couples, I recognized that not sharing is unhealthy as unresolved annoyances, anger, d...

Helping Children Cope with the Losses of Divorce

November 11, 2015 19:09 - 15 minutes - 21.1 MB

Divorce for children can bring many losses at once; such as loss of expectation family will be together, loss of familiarity, residence, childhood, safety, trust, faith in relationships and marriage, to name a few. _____ Included in this episode are 7 tips to help them cope with the losses and why this area is so close to my own heart.______ Although divorce is always a difficult transition, the way parents handle it can greatly influence how well children cope. Children need to be able to mo...

Can You Love Too Much?

November 08, 2015 22:42 - 16 minutes - 22.8 MB

Last week I received an email from a lady who asked me to warn others about loving too much. It was in response to my article loving through hard times, she felt she had done that too much. Which got me thinking can you really “love too much?” Hear my opinion from working with hundreds of individuals and couples in their relationships. Also learn about the questions you should be really asking yourself if this comes up like; 1, Do you love, respect, value and care for yourself enough? 2, A...

I Just Want to Know Why They Did That? Marriage Break Down & Divorce Advice

October 28, 2015 10:13 - 16 minutes - 23.1 MB

Are you fixated on wanting to why your partner or ex did or didn’t do something? Relentlessly questioning why your partner or ex does or doesn’t do something can be frustrating, draining and leaving you feeling confused, disappointed and angry… I listen to individuals in my coaching frequently saying that they just don’t understand WHY their spouse did this or they cannot get WHY their ex would behave in such a vindictive way. Being Fixated and STUCK in a spiral of never ending Why thought...

Why Talking About Problems Can Make Things Worse in Relationships

October 27, 2015 06:43 - 19 minutes - 26.7 MB

Ever wonder why talking about your relationship issues can sometimes make you feel more annoyed, fed up or isolated than before you started? At the center of many relationship problems is the Shame-Fear dynamic Once you recognize this and follow the steps to overcome it, you like thousands of others can solve previously unresolvable relationship problems. Inspired by the work of Love and Stonsy in their book: “How to save your marriage without talking about it.” I’ve added this principle ...

Interview with Jeffrey Landers Think Financially Not Emotionally - Author and Founder

October 27, 2015 00:00 - 27 minutes - 37.3 MB

International Relationship and Divorce Coach Nicola Beer Interviews Jeffrey A. Landers, CDFA™, the creator of the Think Financially, Not Emotionally® brand of books, webinars, seminars and eLearning courses designed to educate, empower and support women (and their advisors) before, during and after divorce. His current Amazon best-selling books include, Divorce: Think Financially, Not Emotionally® – What Women Need To Know About Securing Their Financial Future Before, During, And After Divorc...

Teenagers and Divorce - When to be Concerned if they Don't Want to See a Parent

October 26, 2015 10:23 - 19 minutes - 26.9 MB

This week I received an email from Marie, a lady in my 6 month coaching program who is devastated that her two teenagers don’t want to stay with her. This topic often comes up in my divorce coaching with parents questioning whether they should be concerned, worried their ex is bad mouthing them and whether to force their teenagers to stay or let them choose. Having worked with several teenagers during and after divorce, experiencing my parent’s divorce at 14 and feeling unwanted, depressed a...

5 Steps to Loving Through Hard Times

October 26, 2015 07:56 - 18 minutes - 25.6 MB

What do you do if you’re sick and tired of your partner’s behavior? Perhaps you used to be closer, but sometimes you find you simply don’t want to be around them or that things they do really wind you up. It can be hard to give your love. What do you do if you are co-parenting with a difficult ex but need to keep the peace for your children? Today I will share with you my 5 steps to loving through hard times. As let’s face it it’s far easier to love someone when they are fulfilling our rel...

Protect Your Relationship: Stop Making Assumptions

September 12, 2015 19:47 - 19 minutes - 27.4 MB

Jumping to conclusions causes undue stress and drama, as well as destroy relationships. In this episode you will learn how to improve your life and relationships by not making assumptions. “a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.” We make assumptions all the time and in relationships this can be a disaster. Listen in to protect yourself from this trap… Nicola Beer, helps couples on the verge of a break up save their marriage, as well as help individuals...

Dealing With An Angry & Difficult Ex During Divorce

September 12, 2015 19:47 - 22 minutes - 31 MB

Dealing With Your Ex’s Anger During Divorce What can you do if your Ex is angry, playing dirty, being manipulative and aggressive during divorce? In this episode I share 4 steps to dealing with an angry ex during a divorce. These steps have been proven to help those struggling with a difficult ex, de-stress and reduce financial and emotional cost of divorce. Nicola Beer, helps couples on the verge of a break up save their marriage, as well as help individuals create a new life after divorce ...

Clarissa Rayward - How to Divorce and Stay Friends- Happy Family Lawyer

September 11, 2015 14:40 - 17 minutes - 24.2 MB

Clarissa Rayward, is the Director of Brisbane Family Law Centre and is also known as the ‘Happy Family Lawyer’. As a Divorce Lawyer, Clarissa specializes in helping separating families stay out of the Family Courts and stay friends as she believes that a divorce can be a positive end to a marriage. Over the past 11 years Clarissa has worked as a specialist family lawyer and in that time, has helped over 2,000 Australian families through their divorce. Clarissa is also the author of the succ...

Divorce Lawyer Valeria Miller Talks About Child Custody and ...

September 11, 2015 14:40 - 16 minutes - 22.6 MB

divorce, relationship, marriage counseling, separation, break up, co-parenting, marriage counseling, divorce, co-parenting, separation, relationship advice, life coaching

8 Ways to Boost Your Confidence After a Break Up and Divorce

September 11, 2015 09:42 - 31 minutes - 43.7 MB

Confidence plays an essential role in recovery after a breakup and divorce. When you feel confident you are more able to accept the past, learn from mistakes and make sound decisions about your future. Plus the more confident you feel, the more likely it is you will be able to remain calm when challenges do come up. Anxiety and fears are natural and normal following a breakup and divorce. The best weapon against fear and doubt is confidence, confidence in your ability to handle any situation ...

Keep Work Stress From Ruining Your Relationship - 10 Helpful Guidelines - Marriage Support

September 10, 2015 11:56 - 26 minutes - 36.7 MB

There is no doubt that work stress has become an increasing factor in marital dissatisfaction and even divorce. Today couples work on average a thousand more hours each year than people did thirty years ago. All the extra work and constantly checking work emails means that there is less time for talking, relaxing, eating and even sleeping. Difficult working environments and commuter stress make all too easy for arguments to erupt and a stress cycle develops… Stress at work causes stress at ho...

Communicating With Your Ex - 10 Helpful Guidelines - Divorce Support

September 10, 2015 11:56 - 29 minutes - 40.4 MB

Good communication is often the first thing to go when a relationship breaks down. So it is not surprising that communicating with your ex after a breakup and during a divorce is emotionally difficult. To say communication is “Emotionally Difficult” is a HUGE understatement for many as the pain, turmoil, confusion and stress involved can be unbearable. So in this episode you will learn 8 helpful guidelines when communicating with an ex. Nicola Beer, helps couples on the verge of a brea...

Anxiety - 5 Steps to Overcome Separation & Divorce Anxiety

July 25, 2015 11:17 - 23 minutes - 32.4 MB

Fear of an uncertain future can stop us from doing great things, keep us holding onto things that hurt us, listen to 5 Secret Steps to deal with separation and divorce anxiety that work for hundreds of my clients. Currently I am working with clients online in London, New York, Mumbai, Melbourne, Phoenix, Paris, Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as in person coaching in Dubai. Despite the differences in culture, religion, and location, fear of an uncertain future, separation and divorce anxiety...

Forgiveness - How Not Forgiving Your Ex or Partner Harms You

July 24, 2015 10:06 - 21 minutes - 30 MB

Are you struggling to forgive your ex or current partner? Are you still carrying a grudge, feel resentment or anger towards them? In all romantic relationships there will be times where the one you love will hurt you. It could be something small, like a comment on the way you look, not calling when they said they would or forgetting important dates. Then there are bigger issues; infidelity, insulting your family, abusive or addictive behavior. When divorce begins one or both parties can becom...

Introverts and Extroverts In Relationship Conflict

July 11, 2015 13:52 - 14 minutes - 19.3 MB

Introverts and Extroverts manage conflict in different ways. Whilst many introvert - extrovert couples are likely to know some of these differences already about their partner, in the heat of a debate or when a crisis occurs we tend to forget and misjudge each’ others behavior as a sign they don’t care or are being deliberately difficult. The episode covers suggestions on what to do when you have the “I don’t want to talk about it” Introvert and the “Let’s get it all out in the open and tal...

Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair - Step 1 -Secret to a Helpful Apology

July 11, 2015 12:14 - 14 minutes - 19.4 MB

Most unfaithful partners underestimate the damage and fallout after infidelity. Many claim that they didn’t think of the consequences and often, when faced with losing what they have, panic. This panic can lead them to make further mistakes in their attempts to help their injured partner. If you have cheated on your spouse, but have regrets and hope to save your relationship, don’t let another mistake-ridden day go by without getting some support. Or, if you are the wounded spouse and your u...

Avoid Dangerous Mistakes Divorced Parents Make- Interview with Rosalind Sedecca

July 03, 2015 17:20 - 30 minutes - 42 MB

Our guest on this podcast is Rosalind Sedacca, who is recognized as The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce. Rosalind has written a unique book based on her own experience with divorce. She developed an innovative new approach to breaking the news to her eleven year-old son who today is a grown man who proudly wrote the foreword to her internationally-acclaimed ebook, “How do I Tell The Kids About Divorce? A Create a Storybook Guide to preparing your children with love. Rosalind is a Divorce & P...

Sex Addiction - Dr Doug Weiss Talks About Sex Addicts & Recovery

June 20, 2015 19:51 - 13 minutes - 18.5 MB

In this episode Dr Doug Weiss talks about Sex Addiction, where the addict and the addict’s spouse can get support. Dr. Douglas Weiss is a Licensed Psychologist and the Executive Director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. As Director , Dr. Weiss maintains a number of counselors , support groups , 3 and 5 Day Intensive work shops. Dr. Weiss is al s o t he President of the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy ( AASAT) . Dr. Weis s is a frequent gue...

Love Is A Gift Not A Transaction - Marriage Support

June 16, 2015 14:06 - 16 minutes - 22.2 MB

Do you ever weigh up what you have done in your relationship and what your partner has done? Do you reach the conclusion you are doing and giving way more? Do you feel frustrated, annoyed or generally negative inside when you do this? If the answer is yes then you have fallen into the trap of turning your love into a transaction. Transactions are for businesses and banks, not relationships. I am guilty of this myself, but now stop this way of thinking because it gets you and your relation...

Annoying Habits In Relationships - How to Deal With Them - Save Your Marriage

June 16, 2015 12:17 - 17 minutes - 23.6 MB

What’s are your spouse’s most annoying habits? Is it the way they talk, eat, sit, clean up? Do they perhaps hum an annoying tune or crack their knuckles? And when was the last time they did something that irritated you? Last week? Yesterday? An hour ago? One of the most annoying things about annoying habits is that they can be so small, but still drive you mad. Overtime you may find the list of annoying habits grow. It may not be that your spouse has added more irritating habits as years have...

Divorce Without Destroying Your Family - Joryn Jenkins Talks About Collaborative Divorce

June 16, 2015 10:13 - 32 minutes - 45.1 MB

Joryn Jenkins is a trial attorney with 35 years of courtroom experience, now in private practice at Open Palm in Tampa, where she concentrates on the collaborative practice of family law. She is the author of War or Peace, Avoid the Destruction of Divorce Court. In this episode you will learn about how the collaborative process works and its many benefits. You will also discover some tips to help you decide what process to follow and where to get further support. Joryn helps people divorce e...

Dealing With Rejection In Marriage Breakdown & Divorce

June 16, 2015 00:00 - 21 minutes - 30 MB

Rejection is one of the hardest emotions to deal with. You can feel rejected in a marriage and at the end and if you don't learn how to let go of it, it can stay with you throughout the marriage. When I felt rejected in a past relationship, it crushed me and consumed me. Thankfully, due to the steps and process I created and will share with you in this episode the pain lasted hours and days,instead of months and years. If you also want to read the text of this episode you can find it on my b...

Online Dating Profiles - Do's and Dont's - Dating After Divorce

May 20, 2015 20:18 - 17 minutes - 24.6 MB

We all deserve to be in a loving, passionate and rewarding relationship. Did you know that today 1 in 6 marriages meet online and that 1 in 3 couples now find love on the internet. Many individuals after a divorce want to find love but don't do anything about it. They sit their wishing and waiting, some fear online dating. So today I want to help you find love. The most important part of online dating is getting your profile right. Get it wrong and you will be overlooked or worse hounded by ...

Co-parenting After Divorce - Child Refuses to See One Parent

May 18, 2015 14:31 - 19 minutes - 26.7 MB

Let’s face it co-parenting after divorce isn’t easy. Many children of divorce go through a roller-coaster of emotions like their parents do when the family splits. Children may isolate. Have angry outbursts. Refuse to eat. Cry. Say horrible things. Throw tantrums. But what do you do if they refuse to see you or your ex-spouse? It’s a delicate and difficult situation for all involved and one that needs to be handled carefully. What to do in this situation will be addressed in this episode N...

Overcome Failure In Relationships - Marriage and Divorce Support

May 18, 2015 00:00 - 18 minutes - 25 MB

Feelings of failure after a relationship breaks down or ends in divorce can really lower your outlook on life. Perceived or actual failure can cause you to feel sad, frustrated, angry, disappointed. It can leave you to see no meaning in pursuing romantic relationships or sometimes life itself. If you are feeling like you are failing or failed my heart goes out to you, don’t let these feelings consume you. Take my 6 steps to learn, grow and find opportunity from them. Nicola Beer is an Intern...

Family Law Attorney Mark Baer Tells Us how to Protect Children Through the Legal Process of Divorce

May 16, 2015 08:34 - 37 minutes

Attorney Mark B. Baer is recognized as a 'thought leader' in many areas of Family Law for his provocative and forward-thinking ideas on improving the way Family Law is handled. As a former litigator who advocates the use of mediation and collaboration whenever possible, Baer points out the inherent flaws that exist in litigating Family Law matters, then reveals more creative and less destructive approaches. In the episode he talks about how you can protect your children from divorce through...

Marriage and Divorce Support - Overcomming Alcohol, Smoking, Gambling, Eating Addictions

May 16, 2015 00:00 - 24 minutes - 33.6 MB

John Dicey CEO of Allen Carr, Easyway Method to Quit talks about how addictions and emotional habits affect relationships. Listen to his advice on how to approach addictions and emotional habits in a relationships, when and what to say. John’s story: John was an 80 a day smoker and had tried many times to quit - using every method he could find; He attended a treatment center purely as a way of stopping his wife (then his girlfriend) hassling him about stopping smoking. He did a deal…he w...

Arguments Over How You Spend Time Can Ruin Marriages and Lead to Divorce, Get My 5 Steps to Support You

May 02, 2015 15:29 - 15 minutes - 20.9 MB

Time can be a big source of conflict in relationships. When you get married “your time” also becomes “their time” and if you have children then you need to also schedule in “family time” Many couples I speak to are feeling so busy and stressed by feeling pulled in multiple directions that the quality of the marriage is declining. Perhaps you can relate? Are you both so busy with work, the kids, and your own interests that you can go for days without having a real conversation? And bedtime?...

Interview with Russell Friedman on Grief After Marriage Breakdown & Divorce. He is the Co-founder Grief Recovery Institute

April 22, 2015 17:22 - 49 minutes - 67.9 MB

This Informative Episode has Russell Friedman as a guest speaker: Russell is the Executive Director of The Grief Recovery Institute and co-author of The Grief Recovery Handbook, When Children Grieve, and Moving On. "Moving on" is about grief recovery from romantic break ups and Divorce. The Grief Recovery Institute has been established for over 30 years, training people in grief recovery which I completed a few years ago and use in my coaching. Russell arrived at the Institute in 1987 on ...

10 Secret Guidelines to Financial Harmony in Marriage - with Nicola Beer International Relationship & Divorce Coach

April 22, 2015 00:00 - 15 minutes - 21.2 MB

Separation and divorce is a very challenging time. As an international relationship and divorce coach, one thing I see people struggle with, is “finding themselves” again. Many find after years of putting others needs before their own that they don’t know who they are anymore...In this episode you will find 7 simple steps you can take now to rediscover who you are and redesign your life. Your learn how to enjoy this time in your life and create a new beginning! Please note - all names have b...

7 Steps to Rediscovering Yourself After Divorce / Separation

April 22, 2015 00:00 - 22 minutes - 30.9 MB

Separation and divorce is a very challenging time. As an international relationship and divorce coach, one thing I see people struggle with, is “finding themselves” again. Many find after years of putting others needs before their own that they don’t know who they are anymore...In this episode you will find 7 simple steps you can take now to rediscover who you are and redesign your life. Your learn how to enjoy this time in your life and create a new beginning! Nicola is an International Rela...

Avoid Awkward Conversations After Divorce and Separation - Marriage Counseling and Divorce Support

April 08, 2015 16:42 - 12 minutes

Have you ever been asked “Who wanted the Divorce?” “What Happened?” or other inappropriate, personal or awkward questions and not know how to respond? If yes this episode is for you. You will learn 5 different responses to handle difficult or inappropriate questions. As well as to guard yourself from nosy family members, co-workers and gossipers. In this episodes you will learn 5 tips to handling conflict in marriage. Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach. She works with...

Surviving Infidelity - 9 Steps to Healing After an Affair - marriage counseling

April 08, 2015 16:42 - 17 minutes - 23.9 MB

Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach. She works with executives, professionals and expats across the globe to create change and emotionally heal after marriage breakdown and divorce. Programs Include Marriage Support, Deciding if the Marriage is Over, Divorce Support, Creating a New Life After Divorce, Helping Children with Divorce and Co-Parenting Support For more free resources visit www.purepeacecoaching.com

Marriage Counseling - Dealing with Unemployment and Financial Pressure

April 08, 2015 16:42 - 14 minutes

In this Episode you will learn tips to deal with unemployment and financial pressure in your marriage. Nicola's mission is to help individuals and couples Create Change and Heal Emotionally after Marriage Breakdown & Divorce. Nicola is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach that works with executives, professionals and expats across the globe.

What Do You Do If Your Ex Bad Mouth's You To Your Children - Divorce Advice

April 08, 2015 16:42 - 17 minutes

Co-parenting challenges after divorce are common. The 3 frequent questions that come up in my coaching are: What do I say to my child when they blurt out something hurtful my ex has said about me? Do I confront my Ex? Should I defend myself? In this episode you we will address each of these questions. You will also listen to three different examples of what to say to your children if your ex bad mouths you. Nicola Beer is an International Relationship and Divorce Coach that works mainly with...

Parenting & Divorce - Establish Clear Rules for Children aft...

April 08, 2015 16:42 - 15 minutes

In this episode you will learn some areas where you and your ex may want to agree rules for children and why it is important. Let's face it, it is difficult to agree on rules for children when you are together let alone apart. But some rules are essential to help reduce co-parenting stress and support children with the changes divorce brings. Nicola Beer, helps individuals and couples Create Change and Heal Emotionally after Marriage Breakdown & Divorce. Nicola is an International Relations...

Dealing with Jealousy in Relationships - Marriage Counseling

April 08, 2015 16:42 - 20 minutes - 28.3 MB

As you are probably aware Jealousy in a relationship is destructive and for some couples it can be so extreme that it destroys it, it can also tear a person apart. Despite this, it can be a fairly common relationship problem to resolve. In this epsiode you will first discover the most common reasons jealousy comes up in relationships. Then learn a simple process to help deal with it. Whether it is you that is more prone to jealousy or your spouse, there are actions you can take to tackle it ...

10 Tips To Handling Conflict in Marriage - Marriage Counseling and Divorce Advice with Nicola Beer

April 08, 2015 16:42 - 11 minutes - 15.3 MB

It does not matter whether you are dating, newlyweds or been married for years’ conflicts in relationships are both normal and natural, and healthy conflicts are a sign of a healthy marriage. But the problem is many of us refuse to engage in healthy conflicts, we insist we are right and the other person wrong. We refuse to listen, this must be avoided if we want healthy, stable and positive relationships. In this episodes you will learn 10 tips to handling conflict in marriage. The six most...