Brian Brunkow is a San Diego-based lawyer, sports parenting coach, and author of Zero Offseason – a guidebook on divorce & effective & “sane” sports parenting.
With a background in family law and coaching youth football, Brian’s focus is helping divorced parents collaborate on the “ABC’s of divorce & effective sports parenting.”
When time and money is used as a weapon in divorce, the “ABC’s” (Aligning Goals, Following the Best Interests Standard & Controlling Controllables) encourage parents to stay focused on helping kids develop life skills thru positive youth sports experiences
Brian may be reached at [email protected] for personal coaching on divorce & effective sports parenting.
Nicola Beer is an International Relationship & Divorce Coach, Best-selling Author that supports individuals to minimize the stress and pain of divorce.

For more free resources visit to get your copy of free e-books "Protect Children Through Divorce" and "10 Steps to Creating a New Life After Divorce"