Time can be a big source of conflict in relationships. When you get married “your time” also becomes “their time” and if you have children then you need to also schedule in “family time” and of course time for family chores and all the other errands you need to run. Many couples I speak to are feeling so busy and stressed by feeling pulled in multiple directions that the quality of the marriage is declining. Perhaps you can relate? Are you both so busy with work, the children and your own interests that you can go for days without having a real conversation? Do you now only discuss financials and children's activities? And what about your physical intimacy? Is bedtime now only for sleeping? Arguments over how time is spent, is fairly common in relationships in this episode I will share 5 good ways to ensure you and your marriage is protected. Looking for more tips to improve your marriage? Get the FREE Report - 7 Secrets to Saving Your Marriage! And learn: • The 6 Essential Keys to Keeping a Marriage Happy • How to Increase Love, Happiness and Passion in your marriage in less than 2 weeks! • How to Motivate and Inspire Your Spouse To Change • How to Overcome Past Hurt, Resentment, so You can Rebuild Respect & Trust Get the 7 Secrets Now - http://savemymarriageprogram.com/7-secrets