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#007: Authorpreneur & Kickstarter Tips From Marisha Pink

Diversity All Star

English - January 05, 2017 23:00 - 1 hour - 51.3 MB
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Marisha Pink is a published author, entrepreneur and independent marketing professional with over 8+ years experience in branding and marketing strategy.

In this episode, we learn why it is important to be an author and an entrepreneur, what goes into a successful Kickstarter campaign, and why it is important to find a role model. Check the show notes for resources, notes, and links from the show.

Marisha Pink is a published author, entrepreneur and independent marketing professional with over 8+ years experience in branding and marketing strategy.



In this Podcast we discuss ( SPOILER ALERT )

[03:35] We find out why Marisha wanted to become an author
[5:10] We ask Marisha what gave her the confidence to leave her job
[6:36] “People often say to me, your really brave, and I couldnt never do that. I think there’s nothing really different about me, to anybody else that I meet”
[07:11] Marisha shares how she deals with life constraints in entrepreneurship
[09:20] We find out what it takes to be an Authorpreneur
[11:40] We ask Marisha if authors should gear their stories for future monetization.
[14:06] On earning potential: “The possibilities are six figures”
[14:10]  Marisha explains self & independent publishing Vs traditional publishing
[18:40] Marisha takes us through her journey as an author.
[26:30] We find out when you will know if your work is finished
[28:10] Marisha shares her lowest points in her journey, and how she overcame them
[33:34] Marisha discusses ethnic minority representation
[39:20] We discuss mainstream awards vs ethnic awards
[42:10] We find out if it is important to have a role model
[44:50] We learn how Joanna Penn has inspired Marisha
[48:05] Marisha shares tips on how to create a successful Kickstarter campaign
[56:40] We learn what has worked for Marisha in promoting her book
[58:50] We find out how Amazin can help you as an author

You will learn

Why it is important to be an author and an entrepreneur
What goes into a successful Kickstarter campaign
Why it is important to find a role model

Exclusive offer

Win 1 of 3 copies of “Finding Arun” by Marisha Pink. For a chance to win, simply tweet us @DiversityAllStr with hashtag #FindingArun. We will pick 3 random winners before 31 – March 2016. Good Luck!

Links and resources mentioned

More from Marisha Pink


Recommended reading

Finding Arun by Marisha Pink (affiliate link)
Last Piece of Me (Living Lies) by Marisha Pink (affiliate link)
Writing a Novel and Getting Published For Dummies by George Green (affiliate link)

Recommended videos

Finding Arun Kickstarter Video

Recommended links

Joanna Penn


Commit to creating, writing or sketching an outline of your idea or project to paper.

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Kind regards, Lisimba.

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