Hey loves!

This week we're exploring a few exercises that will support you and your relationships to move through deeper layers of intimacy. My partner and i call them ceremonies, temples, or containers. By creating intentional spaces where we are invited to speak our deeper truths, it allows us to step into more transparency with our partners. In our day to day life with our partners, in conversation, in passing, we interact so quickly, that often unconscious and subconscious aspects of ourselves are underlying our conscious expression. Creating intentional spaces to slow down and focus our energy, allows us to look at the deeper layers of what underlies our actions and allows us to look at what's normally hidden in the shadow, and to reveal ourselves in order to get cleaner in our interactions. Think of these practices as brushing your emotional and energetic teeth for your relationships.

Enjoy these practices with any intimate relationship, partners, friends, siblings, parents etc.

they've been unbelievably supportive in my life and i encourage you to invite those you love into these spaces, and see what comes up.

big love 

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