This weeks episode is epic.

Im sitting at pachamama (a community in costa rica) with Lala and Dror and we're diving into their relationship. In our modern society, we often box and label our relationships, giving them  rules boundaries and walls. While there is value to having boundaries in our relationships, many of us unconsciously accept societies pre packaged rules for our relating, and when this occurs, we often blindly limit our selves within the relationship, following rules that may not be serving us. When we ditch the paradigm, it forces us to constantly ask ourselves and our partners, if the way we are interacting is serving us. While this may seem daunting at the beginning (because many of us are not practiced in self inquiry and self awareness) it allows for a much more fulfilling and authentic relationship process. We begin to use our relationship as a platform for personal growth, and transformation, which in turn contributes to the health and wellbeing of the relationship.  Lala and Dror share a their powerful story of moving through triggers, pain and fear, and finding a deep and stable love for themselves that they share together. When we can see that our relationships have the ability to serve the world, beyond our egoic desires, we call this "sacred relating"

Thank you all for listening!!
big love

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