We are moving on a journey to nowhere, taking it easy, taking it slow! This weeks episode, we're dropping deeply into the -no where- now here- no where. This life is such a crazy adventure and we're embracing every moment of the human experience. Every moment we're doused with emotions, experiences and stimuli that, when embraced, create a playground for evolution and growth. When we learn to play through life, through the challenge, and through the stories, even the suffering becomes effortless. I have the beautiful pixie goddess, Airi, on the show, and simply through listening and being present, you'll receive such a deep transition of raw truth and playfulness. We encourage you to start the practice of playing in the unknown, listening to your intuition and following the force of life that is constantly guiding you. No more worries, no need to hurry, nothing to carry, let it all GO!

With deep gratitude and love
bodhi and airi

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