We all have experiences, when we're in a conversation with a lover, a parent, or a friend, where someone says something that doesn't land right. A rush of anger, or jealousy or insecurity smashes into us like a tidal wave and we become nearly debilitated as our emotion takes the wheel of our consciousness and we are left at the mercy of the emotion. We say things we don't mean, we retaliate to this perceived threat, and attack back. Many times, as things cool down, we find out that it was a misunderstanding and that the person we're communicating with has just pushed on a wound that we weren't aware of at the time. This podcast is for addressing those situations. What do we do, when our mental weather shifts from sunny days to cloudy skies in a matter of seconds. Here are some techniques and perspectives on getting triggered and how to move through it, without it ruining our relationships and having consequences.

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see you next week!

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