Hey all!

I've got Ed on this week, and we're sitting in a beautiful garden, exploring and reminiscing about his 2,500 kilometer bicycle trip. We cover the importance of looking after your body and the incredible resilience of our physical shape. Last year, Ed and 3 friends cycled from Brisbane, located on the east coast of Australia,to Melbourne.  As the intention of this trip was to help others (through raising money for charity) and to authentically experience a different way of life, the motivations behind the trip were of excitement and love. These intentions were mirrored back to them, almost magically, as they encountered an abundance of love and goodwill along their journey. This beautiful experience is a demonstration to show us that when we live our life in a sincere, authentic way, with the intent to help others, the world will in turn take care of us. When you put a log in the fire (of life) the fire will in turn keep you warm. Thanks Ed for the inspiring stories and the reaching out to those of us who are looking for a new way to explore the world and the in's and out's of cycling. 

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To support the music for this podcast, check out: www.thetravelingman.com

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