We are UNIQUE! We have POWER! Since we are UNIQUE and have POWER, then we have the ability to CHANGE and SHAPE our lives.
DivaTalkRadio Guest, Gordana Biernat, believes this to be true. We each have the unique, powerful ability to change our reality. Her goal is to empower individuals, people of leadership and companies with the knowledge of  Quantum Leadership.
Gordana says on her website: "What you conceive and believe is what you receive. When you put an apple-seed in the ground you expect an apple tree to grow, don’t you? You not only expect it, you know it will grow. It is so because nature follows the divine law without questioning it and that is why ”what is sowed is received”. Somehow we have forgotten that our thoughts are just like the seeds in nature and that our thoughts are ”things” in creation. The laws that conduct nature are identical to the laws that govern thought. Every thought is like a seed that manifests in our reality. Every single one. If you had a garden would you not be careful of what seeds you put in the soil? Would you not plan in forehand what trees and plants you want to grow in your garden?"
You DO NOT want to miss this show. As always, Kelli brings the most amazing guests to DivaTalkRadio. Be sure to share this information with your friends so they can be inspired, empowered and encouraged, too.
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