We FACE this so OFTEN in our life. It’s called CHANGE. Change is GOOD, EASY and FUN! Right? Honestly, change can be GOOD, but it isn’t always EASY and it isn’t always FUN! We see new OPPORTUNITIES or new POSSIBILITIES, but we are sometimes AFRAID to jump in because it means CHANGE!
Jan White, LFIBA, RMT, D.D., is a passionate,  holistic counselor that assists  individuals, families and companies to face the challenges of change. Change can come from different directions and sometimes it will cause fear. Jan has developed a technique that teaches how to make the best choice to face the change and the fear.
As Jan says: Remember when times appeared simpler, when you felt happier, and your dreams and intentions were just on the horizon, waiting for you to reach up and grab them? Then Life happened and somehow you got lost in the shuffle. You can rekindle those feelings of happiness and expectation again … It is time to rediscover Who You Really Are NOW and to learn (AND USE) the process within Change.
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