Gina Parris is an international performance coach, speaker and minister, who has been helping people reach their full potential for over 20 years. Her clients include professional athletes, entrepreneurs and work-at-home moms.

Though Gina was considered an expert in human potential and success, she spent years of her marriage struggling with a frustrating sex drive. When she finally discovered a breakthrough solution, it changed everything.

Her latest project, “The Romance Rescue – How to Have Really Great Sex When You’re NOT in the Mood” shows women how to take charge of their own emotions so they can feel great in the moment –no matter how things have gone in the past.

Gina has been married to Paul for 20 years and they have four children. Enjoying such a strong relationship has made her more passionate than ever to see people excel in their most intimate relationship. Gina will answer comments like: Help! My Husband Is Naked and It's Grossing Me Out. Okay, we've all been there. Here's how to move from grossed out to great sex quickly with the guy you've got now -- Really.
and Help! I'M Naked and It's Stressing Me Out.
Learn how to shift your self-image so you feel sexy NOW. Hint- it's not about turning off the lights. You do not want to miss this show. Both men and women are invited to the call. The phone lines and interactive chat room will be open during the LIVE call.