Eileen Parker of Cozy Calm will be our featured guest. Eileen has Asperger Syndrome (a type of High-Functioning Autism) and Sensory Processing Disorder and designed a weighted blanket for her own use. Eileen says "Other blankets did not work for me and I would not use them, so I designed my own. After seven prototypes, I was thrilled to have the perfect weighted blanket.

Others loved them so we made more. Now, it has turned into a full-fledged business, and I am so excited about this.

Cozy Calm and my weighted blankets feel right to me. I'm giving to others in a way that makes people with autism and/or sensory processing disorder feel good and sleep better. And, I am doing my small part for the autism community.

As a person with autism, I want to grow awareness of autism and create understanding for people with autism and their families, so I started The Cozy Calm Blog.

I wanted my weighted blankets to be just right for people like me. I hope you enjoy your Cozy Calm weighted blanket." Visit Eileen's website at http://www.CozyCalm.com and plan to join us on the live call. Phone lines and interactive chat room will be open during the LIVE call.