Cancer is such an ugly word, yet it affects millions of homes everyday, including mine. Watching my husband's body whittle away from this awful disease, I remind myself that God is faithful. He's my strong tower during the times that I am weak. Matthew 17:20 says "for if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed you could say to this mountain, 'move', and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible." What Jesus is saying here is, if you are facing a problem that seems as big and immovable as a mountain, turn your eyes from the mountain and focus on Him. 

Our special guest for this episode of DivaTalkRadio, Charlotte Cole, believed that God was in control when she was diagnosed with cancer in July of 2011. Rather than resisting, she had faith and embraced the journey that God had planned for her. Having walked through some of life’s biggest trials like a life touched by addiction, fighting stage 3 rectal cancer while raising 4 sons, and learning how to commit her heart to the Lord in the trials and tribulations that surface in marriage, Charlotte takes the lessons she has learned and creatively presents how women can thrive through biblical living today.

I know without a shadow of doubt that this episode of DivaTalkRadio will inspire you...empower you...ignite a fire within you. Plan to join me during the LIVE show.