There comes a time in our lives that we want more. More ways to give. More ways to make a difference. More ways to impact the world in a really big way. That's when we look around and figure out how to put our gifts to work to empower others. Our guest today, Sheryl Sitts, will be sharing ways of blending your younique gifts to make a bigger difference. Be sure to join us so that you can unlock your gifts to impact others. 

Gina Parris of Built to Win Coaching will be our Host for today's show. 

About Our Guest: SHERYL SITTS, MPA, BA, Certified Mediator enjoys helping like-spirited women blend, value, and market  their holistic passions and talents to make a bigger difference.  She has an innate gift for being a portal to possibilities, so she’s great at breaking stagnant thinking patterns and helping you dream bigger for yourself and your clients. To learn more about Sheryl, please visit her webiste at

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