Architect Carl Maxey joined me on Ditching Hourly to brainstorm how to use value pricing in his business.

Talking Points:

The benefits of niching down
Phasing projects to decrease your risk
How to control scope creep on a big project
What to do when a stakeholder appears late in the game
When (and why) to say NO to clients
How to know which prospective clients are the best fit
The three factors that contribute to very high prices
The role of productized services when value pricing
The difference between project oversight and project management

Carl's email address:

[email protected]


Do you have questions about how to improve your business?

Things like:

Value pricing your work instead of billing for your time?
Positioning yourself as the go-to person in your space?
Productizing your services so you never have to have another awkward sales call or spend hours writing another custom proposal?

Book a one-on-one coaching call with me and get answers to these questions and others in the time it takes to get ready for work in the morning.

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