We shift back to documentaries for this episode of Distant Replay and we turn our attention to a new series out on Showtime called Outcry. 

This five-part documentary tells the story of Greg Kelley, a 19-year-old football prospect from Texas that was convicted of molesting a 4-year-old boy and sentenced to 25 years without parole. 

On this show, we'll recap the first episode of the series before going on to episode 2. 

A few of the things we'll discuss: 

Who Greg Kelley was The key characters in the show His relationship with the McCarty family The accusations of sexual assault The defense attorney The Williamson County DA office Who is this gym owner and what's his role? The quick look at the trial and the guilty conviction. What questions we have after episode 1. 

To check out this show and others, visit our website here: https://distantreplaypodcast.com/ep-33-37-outcry-documentary-recap/ 

You can also find us on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJazLhxFKGpM4Yge-DuxTg