The latest 30 For 30 documentary on Lance Armstrong wrapped up Sunday night and we're talking about a LOADED episode.

Part 2 greatly overshadowed the first episode because this one had all the drama, backstabbing, snitching, and bitterness that makes up the doping scandal in cycling. 

We start with Lance's rise to the top and seven straight Tour de France titles, the creation of Livestrong, and then the downfall. We also learn all about the characters in this story like Floyd Landis and George Hincapie. 

The crazy part about this episode was learning about all of the relationships and people he left in his wake as the lies got bigger and the success grew larger. And when it's all said and done, this documentary does nothing to make you like Lance Armstrong. If anything, any respect for him goes out the window. 

Find out what we learned in this documentary and why it opened our eyes so much on this episode.

Read more about it and see past episodes here:

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