Strategies for Resistance Jørgen Johansen ( (researcher on resistance studies, civil disobedience and whistleblowing, NO), Jaromil ( (hacktivist, IT/NL), Sophie Toupin ( (researcher and feminist techno/activist, QC/CA), moderated by Valie Djordjevic ( (net activist, DE). What does it mean today to speak about “resistance” on the net and beyond more than two years after the first of Edward Snowden’s disclosures? In the past years the world at large has been shocked by revelations about state surveillance networks and their prevarication over citizen's rights. Such a scenario is not new to hackers, but more than ever today is extending a grim aura over our capacity to imagine a better society. By going beyond fear and paranoia of surveillance, this panel reflects on the impact of the Snowden case, and on the upcoming frontiers of action and awareness for hackers, activists and artists in the present context of geopolitical powers. Without undermining the need of encrypting our data, and protecting our physical and online existence, this discussion aims to go beyond the current state of paranoid-affairs and crypto-angst into the development of shared forms of post-digital resistance, in search of positive alternatives and horizons for the kind of consciousness cultivated by hackers and activists. Source: ( Produced by Voice Republic For more podcasts visit

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