This two-day event is in collaboration with SAMIZDATA: Evidence of Conspiracy (, Jacob Appelbaum’s first solo show in Germany at NOME ( Speakers: Jacob Appelbaum ( (journalist, artist and researcher, USA/DE), Laura Poitras ( (Academy Award-winning filmmaker and journalist, USA), Theresa Züger ( (researcher on civil disobedience, DE). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli ( (Artistic Director of the Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE) A conversation about document leaking, strategies of transparency and the actual struggle for universal human rights and social justice through activist and artistic practices. Art becomes a means to expose misconducts and abuses of Government, organisations and corporations. This approach has a double effect: from one side it informs the general public about unspoken facts or behaviours, which need to be revealed, and from the other, it empowers people to adopt this methodology and keep the ball of exposure rolling. The goal is to make people aware of such mechanisms, opening up a critical perspective to generate evidence as an artistic strategy and to improve transparency and alternatives to fear and control. Even when inter-personal communication becomes a field for the expanding narrative of total war, the goal is to reflect on the importance of establishing networks of trust and collective forms of civil disobedience. Source: ( Produced by Voice Republic For more podcasts visit

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