What is the most important thing you can do if you need deliverance from repeated sin and/or addictions? In today's episode of the Disrupted Faith Podcast, we continue in our series "Crucial Conversations"  where we tackle uncomfortable yet important conversations that we as Christians might not always take the time to walkthrough, and today that journey brings us to the topic of deliverance.

Most Christians would agree that deliverance comes from God. But we often place a burden on each other to stop sinful behavior if we really say that we are saved. But what do you do if you are addicted or bound by sins, like pornography or drugs, etc? Roman 7:15 says "For what I am doing I do not understand, because what I want to do, this I do not practice, but what I hate, this I do."

We dive deeper into this question and also discuss Michael Guglielmucci, who wrote the poplar worship healer, while lying about having cancer, to hide his porn addiction. Take a listen and join the conversation!!!

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