Leah Hall and her husband, Jay, are co-creators of Gastronom.com, where they blog about "libations and spirited travel."

Jay and Leah started the Gastronom in 2012 and soon found their niche by focusing on spirits and mixology. The Halls love cooking at home, swimming in their pool, travel and of course, cocktails!

Jay and Leah love to entertain and believe that food and drink not only nourish us but feed our souls, as well! They are all about local culinary scenes, unique cocktail ingredients and spirited travel.

Gastronom's recipes have been featured on liquor.com, feedfeed and Drizly.

The Halls have grown their blog to be Leah's full time job since 2016. They love to share their cocktail recipes and hope people use them to make an ordinary day a special day!

Jay and Leah Hall have been married almost 14 years and live in Omaha, Nebraska with their two boys.