Have you ever felt anxious or depressed due to your student loan debt? What is the hidden cost of America’s normalization of student debt and loans? How do you start over after a co-dependent relationship?

This week’s guest is Melanie Lockert. Melanie is a published author, freelance financial writer, and the host of her podcast: The Mental Health and Wealth Show.

Through her award-winning blog and the book, Dear Debt, Melanie chronicled her journey out of $81,000 in student loan debt. She is also the co-founder of the Lola Retreat, which empowers other badass women to own their finances and mental health.

Expect to learn about the intricate relationship between one’s mental health and incurring debt, why debt is so normalized in the United States, the reality behind many graduate programs in the so-called prestigious universities, how co-dependence and addiction transcend beyond substance use, why being a people pleaser is manipulative, and much more.

Let's get this started.

Feeling altruistic?


Show Notes

Melanie’s Website: https://melanielockert.com/#home

Melanie’s Blog: https://deardebt.com/

Melanie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanielockert/

Melanie’s Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-mental-health-and-wealth-show/id1498377192


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Discover More Website: https://www.discovermorepodcast.com/

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Connect with Benoit on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benoitkim/


Discover More is a show for independent thinkers, by independent thinkers. Have you ever felt lonely due to your wide-ranging and esoteric interests? Are you looking for practical mental health insights? Let’s get this started.


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