You have heard about Bitcoin, you have heard about Blockchain. 

And you probably have heard about Ethereum - one of the other major cryptocurrencies and development platforms. 

One of the biggest challenges is the lack of qualified resources to develop and design solutions. Designing in the form of how to use a Blockchain application best, what are use cases? 

That's why ConsenSys was founded. And Akshi Federici, the Executive Director, Strategic Projects and ConsenSys Academy Global Lead, is on the show. 

A great conversation with lots of insights into Blockchain and Ethereum. 


More About Akshi Federici

Akshi Federici is a blockchain supporter with 10+ years of experience in business strategy, project & implementation management, analytics, operations, and optimization. After several years at a top-tier strategy consulting firm and focusing on Financial Services clients, she spent time in-house in digital, financial services, media, retail, big data, and social impact. She has lived and worked in 7 countries and joined ConsenSys as the Executive Director of Special Projects and Global Lead for ConsenSys Academy, Education. In her role, she setup ConsenSys Academy - the educational core of the Ethereum movement, and ConsenSys' answer to the global blockchain talent shortage. Prior to ConsenSys, she has held leadership roles at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Conde Nast Publications, BlackRock Financial, the Clinton Foundation and has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business, a Masters in Engineering Management from Dartmouth, and a B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). 

More About ConsenSys Academy

ConsenSys Academy’s mission is to bridge the Ethereum knowledge gap globally for ecosystem development (for developers and non-developers alike; for individuals, corporations, governments, and communities), be the beacon for Ethereum education, and revolutionize education through blockchain technology. ConsenSys Academy's flagship developer program graduated its first cohort in 2017 with 58 graduates from over 25 countries globally of which over 35 have been hired into ConsenSys. This program received 1,300 applicants from over 95 countries globally. ConsenSys Academy has also run its first MBA venture plan competition, our first CLE blockchain for Lawyers program, launched our e-book, and will be releasing for-certificate online courses shortly. We are also scaling up in-person education including content, processes, and high quality talent to deliver these offerings for corporate, government, and other clients e.g. our training day for the World Bank in 2017.

Connect with Akshi or ConsenSys


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Read the Blockchain Basics book here: 

We are launching our online for-certificate blockchain courses for both developers and non-developers shortly.


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