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Discipleship Parenting

246 episodes - English - Latest episode: 12 days ago - ★★★★★ - 25 ratings

The Discipleship Parenting podcast is not Christian parenting tips. It's diving into the Bible, applying it to our lives, and learning how to live it out and pass it on to our children. As parents, our kids hear what we say, but, more importantly, they see what we do. In today's world, more than ever, our children need us to show them the true life and adventure found in following Jesus.

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Episode 46: Educating For Life

August 29, 2018 03:11 - 17 minutes - 24.4 MB

Back to school is in the air, on our minds and all over social media. Why? Because our kids' education is a big deal. As we launch into a new year of academics and extra curricular activities, let's stop and take a step back and look towards the future. What does a successful education look like? Are we taking the right steps towards that goal? How can we keep the right perspective about our kids' education and make sure we are equipping them for real success?

Episode 45: Unending Forgiveness

August 20, 2018 04:13 - 19 minutes - 26.1 MB

Is your life marked by unending forgiveness? As Christians, this is how God has called us to live in response to the love and forgiveness he has given to us. This sounds great until we have to do it day after day to people that have wronged us and possibly in terrible ways. So, how do we do it? How do we live as followers of Jesus and offer all unending forgiveness?

Episode 44: Radical Love

August 14, 2018 11:28 - 17 minutes - 24.6 MB

Is the phrase "radical love" just Christian jargon, something cool to use for a book title or possibly a podcast? The answer is absolutely not! The love that causes a perfect, holy God to come to earth and give his life to save his wicked, rebellious creation is truly a radical love. The crazy thing is that Jesus now tells us, as Christians, to follow in his footsteps and live this radical love for the world. We love others because he first loved us.

Episode 43: Unwavering Trust

August 07, 2018 03:30 - 14 minutes - 20.1 MB

Can you imagine living a life of unwavering trust in God? The awesome thing is that God hasn't made it an unattainable goal. It simply takes getting into God's Word to remember who he is and the promises he has given to us as his children.

Episode 42: Unshakable Hope

July 31, 2018 03:13 - 18 minutes - 24.8 MB

Bad news abounds and sin flourishes. Yet, as Christians, we have an unshakable hope! The Bible reminds us of many important truths that conquer the discouraging lies of Satan. We are equipped to lift our eyes and not just survive this world, but to move forward in boldness, bringing this light and hope to a dark, lost world.

Episode 41: Thorns

July 24, 2018 04:05 - 19 minutes - 27.2 MB

Life's worries. Thorn. Desire for riches. Thorn. Chasing after pleasures. Thorn. Do you have any thorns in your life? As Christians, we want to produce a crop for God and this requires understanding the danger of thorns and then getting rid of them. Let's remove the thorns and let God cultivate good soil in our lives!

Episode 40: Are You Good Soil?

July 12, 2018 04:06 - 18 minutes - 25.3 MB

The path, rocky ground, among the thorns, and good soil. Guess what? One of these is you. In the parable of the sower, Jesus describes a farmer sowing seed, which is the word of God, onto these unique grounds. Each soil represents different people from unbelievers to believers that produce a large crop. As Christians, we need to honestly examine our lives and see which one describes us. Yes, we all want to be the good soil, but I think for many of us that isn't the case... yet.

Episode 39: Taming The Tongue

June 27, 2018 02:50 - 18 minutes - 25.5 MB

I've got some juicy news! You won't believe what I just heard! The Bible compares the tongue to a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. We can all understand this comparison. We have all used our words to hurt others and have experienced the same pain when it has happened to us. God tells Christians to love one another and to build each other up. When we obey this command and practice self-control over our tongues, we will see an increase in the unity of our churches, marriages, ...

Episode 38: Ending Division

June 20, 2018 11:19 - 15 minutes - 20.9 MB

The world is full of division and that spills into the Church. Yet, it doesn't have to be this way. As Christians, it is possible to end these divisions when we find our unity in the Spirit, living as one body to accomplish the work of Jesus. Let's rise up as a Church, in our marriages, and as parents!

Episode 37: Suicide and Despair

June 11, 2018 12:12 - 21 minutes - 30 MB

Tragic suicides can't stay out of the headlines and statistics show it is a rising issue in the United States. There are many factors that can cause us to despair or have suicidal thoughts, and Satan is ready to attack us while we are in those valleys. God is present and he has given us the Bible that offers us hope, truth, and power. Join us for this podcast episode as we dive into this relevant topic and look at God's Word.

Episode 36: Alarm Clock! It Could Be Our Kids

June 05, 2018 03:21 - 26 minutes - 36.5 MB

Parents, this is our alarm clock. We can't afford to hit the snooze button this time around. We need our eyes to be opened to what is happening to our kids.

Episode 35: Living On Offense

May 22, 2018 04:31 - 22 minutes - 31.1 MB

Do you feel strong enough to live out your faith in this crazy world? Or, do you find yourself discouraged, fearful, and shrinking back? Jesus promises that the gates of hell will not overcome his Church! What does that mean for you? This podcast is an encouraging reminder of the truths that enable us to live our lives on offense for the kingdom of God! You won't want to miss this powerful message.

Episode 34: Raising Mission-Minded Kids

May 09, 2018 00:20 - 17 minutes - 23.8 MB

As Christian parents, we understand the responsibility of sharing Jesus with our children. However, do we take the next step and share their role in spreading the Good News with the lost? It is critical they are taught to see this world from a biblical perspective. When they do, they will understand the awesome truths the Bible teaches about their lives and their purpose.

Episode 33: Living the God Life

May 01, 2018 02:24 - 18 minutes - 25 MB

We all want to live the good life, but Satan has us deceived that it is found apart from God and his commands. The truth is that living the good life is living the God life. We see this lesson learned over and over in the Bible. So, let's stop chasing after the cheap alternatives this world offers and find joy in the real treasure we have in God.

Episode 32: The Powerhouse of Love and Truth

April 25, 2018 01:37 - 16 minutes - 22.5 MB

Somewhere along the way we bought the lie that we have to suppress the truth in order to be loving. No, it's the powerhouse combo of truth and love that offers freedom and new life to all!

Episode 31: By Our Love

April 17, 2018 04:00 - 19 minutes - 26.9 MB

What's love got to do with it? Well, as followers of Jesus, it has everything to do with our lives. In fact, Jesus said our love is how people would know we are his followers. Yet, we need to look at the Bible for the definition of love because it is different from how the world understands it. Then, comes the challenging part - living out this sacrificial love. While it might be hard, it is possible and it is crucial we do it for our children and this world.

Episode 30: A Ten or a Two?

April 10, 2018 01:35 - 13 minutes - 17.9 MB

Are you a ten or a two? In this podcast episode, we want to examine our lives to see if we have the markers of faith that would cause us to trust in God like Joshua and Caleb. They were two of the Israelite spies that wanted to go boldly into the Promised Land, but faced strong opposition from the other ten spies that looked at the odds and doubted God. The reality is we need all "twos" in the Christian Church, people willing to follow God confidently and showing that example to the next gene...

Episode 29: Persevere

April 04, 2018 01:44 - 15 minutes - 21.5 MB

I'm saved. Now what? It's time to persevere in our faith! Our lives as Christians are not promised to be easy and without struggle. In fact, the opposite is true. Jesus says that in this world we will have trouble. Let's encourage one another to press on, fixing our eyes on Jesus and the life to come!

Episode 28: Freedom From Entangling Sins

March 27, 2018 03:34 - 19 minutes - 26.7 MB

Since Jesus has paid the price for all sin and we are forgiven through our faith alone in him, we can start to believe that sin doesn't matter. But, don't let Satan deceive you! Sin still matters and we don't want to be lured into entangling sins that hold us back from living the life God has planned for us! Tune into part three of "I'm saved. Now what?" and learn how to find freedom from sin's hold on our life.

Episode 27: Living A Life On Mission

March 20, 2018 03:06 - 16 minutes - 23.1 MB

I’m saved. Now what? The answer is life-changing. God has called us to live a life on mission that is defined by three things: Love God. Love others. Go and make disciples. When we understand this truth our lives will never be the same. Are you ready for the adventure?

Episode 26: Does My Life Make Sense?

March 13, 2018 03:24 - 17 minutes - 24 MB

Join us as we dive into a new podcast series titled: I'm saved. Now what? This first part of the series takes a challenging, yet refreshing look into our own lives by asking ourselves the question: Does my life make sense?

Episode 25: Prayer - Overcoming Common Struggles

March 06, 2018 03:43 - 20 minutes - 27.5 MB

While prayer is critical to the lives of Christians, that doesn't mean we all have thriving prayer lives. In fact, many of us may feel our prayer lives are struggling or even non-existent. How do we overcome some of the common struggles of prayer? Join us as we get personal about this topic and, hopefully, leave you encouraged and excited about your prayer life.

Episode 24: Prayer Is Powerful

February 28, 2018 03:41 - 22 minutes - 31 MB

Prayer is a powerful tool we've been given as Christians, not because of any special powers it gives us, but because we have the privilege to bring our requests before the God of the universe. Dive into the Bible with us and see awesome examples of God's power on display in answer to prayer.

Episode 23: Coming Before a Holy God

February 13, 2018 03:39 - 22 minutes - 31.2 MB

Do you feel like praying? While we know prayer is such an important aspect of the Christian life, for many, it feels like something we have to do rather than something we get the privilege to do. Take a deeper look with us into who God is and why coming before his throne in prayer is so incredible. This is a meaty podcast, but stick with it to the end to see how it all comes together, offering truths that will strengthen your faith.

Episode 22: Suiting Up for Battle, Part 2

January 28, 2018 23:49 - 20 minutes - 28.8 MB

How are we shielded by faith, guarded by the helmet of salvation and ready to strike back with the sword of the Spirit? Find out on this podcast episode as we conclude our series on spiritual warfare and send you off ready for victory over the enemy through the power of Jesus and the Word of God!

Episode 21: Suiting up for Battle, Part 1

January 16, 2018 03:47 - 17 minutes - 23.9 MB

Jesus has won the ultimate victory over sin, death and Satan. However, Satan still has power to tempt and deceive on earth until Jesus returns at his second coming. So, as we walk out our Christian life, we will face spiritual battles. Yet, Jesus has equipped us to stand in these battles. Find strength and confidence as we dive into the armor God has given us for the times of battle.

Episode 20: Understanding the Enemy

January 03, 2018 03:38 - 19 minutes - 26.9 MB

The spiritual battle we live in is real and so is our enemy - Satan. That is why it is important we understand who he is, what tactics he uses against us, and how we can stand in the victory God has already won for us.

Episode 19: The War

December 21, 2017 00:01 - 19 minutes - 27.1 MB

As Christians, we can easily forget the spiritual war that rages around us. But, we are needed to rise up in the battle, not sit on the sidelines. In what ways can we stay focused on what really matters, and what are the consequences of living a distracted life?

Episode 18: The (Not-So-Easy) Simple Solution

December 07, 2017 02:00 - 17 minutes - 23.8 MB

There is no denying that if the Church does not rise up and fight for the next generation, they will quickly get swept up into the current of worldliness and unbelief right before our eyes. Something must be done! So, how far are we willing to go in order to fight for the precious souls of our young people? What if the solution is so simple that we can easily miss it while looking for something that sounds more grand and noble?

Episode 17: Virginity or Purity?

November 09, 2017 05:01 - 13 minutes - 18.5 MB

“Don’t have sex before you are married.” For most of us who grew up in Christian homes, we probably had this command ingrained into our brains. Why? Because sexual intimacy is one of the most special and exclusive gifts God has given to a husband and wife and it should be guarded and saved for marriage. However, if we emphasize that the main goal of a young Christian is to merely maintain your virginity until marriage, then we are missing the boat - BIG TIME. Christians shouldn’t be solely pu...

Episode 16: Itching Ears

October 19, 2017 04:06 - 13 minutes - 18.1 MB

Paul warns of a time when people will surrounds themselves with others that are willing to tell them what they want to hear, things that go against the Bible. However, before we move on feeling confident that this verse is talking just about others, we need to stop and honestly evaluate our own lives. We may all be surprised by what we find.

Episode 15: The Idol of Approval

October 04, 2017 11:31 - 19 minutes - 17.5 MB

The desire to be liked is normal, but this can quickly become an idol when our need for approval starts to consume us and we begin to compromise on God's Word to fit in. Chasing after people's approval is a game you can't win. Yet, when we defeat this idol with the truths of the Bible and live with the sole purpose to please God we find great freedom and adventure.

Episode 14: The Idol of Pleasure

September 21, 2017 02:49 - 18 minutes - 16.5 MB

We all are drawn to things that promise to satisfy the desires of our flesh. However, we can see that worshiping at the idol of pleasure will never satisfy us or bring us lasting joy. Learn why it is so important that we identify the ways this idol presents itself in our lives and see that what Jesus freely offers us is so much better.

Episode 13: Identifying and Overcoming Idols

September 07, 2017 23:27 - 16 minutes - 15.5 MB

It's easy to talk about idolatry and worship as general terms, but it gets much more personal when we start to examine our own lives for idols that may be present in our hearts. How do we discover what idols we may be worshiping, and more importantly, how does God help us find freedom from them?

Episode 12: Idolatry and Worship

August 22, 2017 02:16 - 17 minutes - 15.6 MB

Idolatry is something we all struggle with on a daily basis whether we know it or not. God commands us to have no other gods and to love him with all our heart. In this podcast episode, we want to take a real look at what idolatry is and how worship goes hand-in-hand with it. So let's dive deep and walk away challenged and encouraged!

Episode 11: Why Am I Here?

August 04, 2017 01:43 - 16 minutes - 14.8 MB

If we are are hand-knit creations of God, then why did he make us? Why are we all here? Is there a purpose for our lives? If so, how do we live out that purpose? Find the answers to these questions in this podcast episode.

Episode 10: Who Am I?

July 26, 2017 02:18 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

Whether you are a Christian or not, there are certain questions about life that all of us will think about at some point. This podcast episode we are going to look at one of them: Who am I? Am I a person created by God or simply a product of billions of years of time and chance processes? How you answer this question has huge implications in the way that you live.

Episode 9: The Road Less Traveled

July 11, 2017 01:54 - 15 minutes - 13.9 MB

We were never meant to live our lives taking the wide road that the world is walking. God has a mission and a purpose for each of us. So how do we walk on the narrow road, the way that the Apostles, martyrs and countless Christians have walked over the past centuries? And why does this matter so much?

Episode 8: I AM: Jesus is Lord

June 12, 2017 02:16 - 13 minutes - 12.2 MB

We often talk about Jesus as our Lord, and as a general statement, we are okay with that. However, if Jesus is Lord of all things, that means he is in authority over each of our lives; that is where this truth gets more uncomfortable. Knowing and living with Jesus as Lord will have a big impact on our lives and also the way we parent our children.

Episode 7: I AM: God is Love

June 01, 2017 02:55 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

God is love, but we cannot understand the depth of his love until we see our true condition. We are sinful to the core and stand guilty before God, our just and holy judge. Yet, our loving God did not abandon us. He took his only son, Jesus, and placed the guilty verdict and punishment on him. Now, through faith in Jesus, we are declared not guilty and are free to live a new life. This is love! God is love!

Episode 6: I AM: God is Holy

May 18, 2017 02:41 - 14 minutes - 13.3 MB

How does understanding God's holiness impact our lives every single day? How does it affect how we parent our kids? And why does this even matter? Join us as we talk about these questions and more on today's podcast.

Episode 5: I AM: God the Creator

April 28, 2017 04:45 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). God is the creator of all things. This is a foundational truth that changes everything. If God is the creator, then he has the authority to set the rules and establish the way that things should good. As Christian parents, we need to understand the implications of this truth and be able to pass it on to our children. As you’ll hear, while the world adamantly rejects it, we can confidently stand firm knowing that God’s Word...

Episode 4: How to Start Reading the Bible

March 30, 2017 02:55 - 14 minutes - 13.3 MB

The Bible isn't a book just for pastors or the super educated. The Bible is for everyone, and God wants you to read it for yourself! This podcast episode will give you information on how to read the Bible and where you can get started.

Episode 3: Why Read the Bible?

March 08, 2017 01:23 - 15 minutes - 14.5 MB

Why is it so important that we as Christians read the Bible? Tune into this podcast episode to learn five reasons why reading God's Word needs to be a top priority in our lives.

Episode 2: What's the Big Deal about the Bible?

February 14, 2017 01:56 - 13 minutes - 12.2 MB

What's the big deal about the Bible? What makes it so incredible and unique from any other book in history? This podcast episode takes a look at how incredible the Bible is and why we can trust that it is God's Word.

Episode 1: How to Fight for the Next Generation

January 31, 2017 03:12 - 16 minutes - 15.2 MB

60% of young people raised in the Christian Church will leave before adulthood. Why is this happening and how can we fight for the next generation?