Previous Episode: The Law Of Life.
Next Episode: The Fear Of The Lord.


What About The Thief On The Cross?              He was not baptized!

This is a question that almost always comes up when I am speaking to people (church people) about the importance of being baptized to be saved. 

Note. To get the full teaching on what baptism is and why Jesus and His apostles commanded it. Download the full episode on 'the power of baptism' HERE.

To download this episode click HERE.

Jesus said 'Those who believe and are baptized shall be saved.'      Mark 16:16

The apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost stood up and preached, ''Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And you shall receive the Holy Spirit,'' Acts 2:38

So we see from scripture the need to repent, believe (obey), be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit to be saved.

So what about the thief on the cross.

In the gospel of Luke chapter 23, we read that Jesus was being crucified; and with Him were 2 other criminals led to be put to death.  (Matthew's account says that they were two robbers).

We see from verse 39 that one of the criminals blasphemed the Lord while the other acknowledged Him as The Lord and said to Him ''Lord remember me when you come into Your kingdom.'' The Lord Jesus answered him ''Assuredly I say to you today you will be with Me in Paradise.''

So the question is how could that man be saved without being baptized. In order to answer that question we need to understand what it is to be saved, (saved from what).                                           Is Jesus talking about being baptized for eternal salvation (going to heaven) or is He talking of something else.

In this episode I will teach you what that saved is.

What you will learn.

Reading from Luke 23   (2:39)


Baptized to be saved (saved from what)  (4:18)


A young man who was struggling with sin  (5:11) 


Those who do not get baptized.  (6:37)


An example of being saved from a Queensland lifeguard. He saved many. He never preached the gospel but they were saved. (9:01)


What about those who die before they are baptized, are they saved.                                                                                  A testimony of a man who did die without being baptized and what he saw before he went. This is a very powerful and beautiful testimony of the goodness of God. (9:12)


The consequence of willful (deliberately, willfully sinning). (13:52)


Our body becomes free from sin, clothed with Christ and one with Christ. We get baptized into Christ Jesus.   (15:44)

Plus more...

The Truth shall make you free.                                                      Be blessed saints.

Love you all.



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