Episode 3

The gospel Part 2.

The Power In Baptism.

One with Him and Freedom from sin.

In this episode I continue with our series on the gospel.

I review what was covered in the previous episode, that the gospel is repent, believe in the Lord Jesus, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. In that episode I taught what is repentance and what does it mean to believe.  You Can Download That Episode Here.

In this episode I teach on biblical baptism, not a traditional baptism or a religious baptism, but the baptism that the Apostles and the early saints preached and did.  

Download The Episode Here.

Jesus said in Mark 16 that those who believe and are baptized will be saved - v16.

In Acts 2 the apostle Peter preached in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, repent and be baptized for the remission of sins -v38

So we see that we need to be baptized to be saved from sin.

Some of the things I speak about in this episode.

Those who believed were baptized immediately. (4:11)    


You  don't have to be an apostle or a pastor to baptize people(11:44)


There is sin in 2 places. Sin in the heart of man and sin in the body of man. (12:53)   


Baptism is 2 fold,  freedom from sin of the body and a consummation INTO CHRIST. Bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. Clothed with Christ. (23:07)         


Your life is hidden with Christ in God. (25:35)


The resistance to baptism. The inner battle. (31:49)


What does Jesus mean in Matthew 28:19-20. (35:24)


Why I was re-baptized. (39:20)


Baptised as a baby or baptised without repentance. (40:42)                                                                                              

I also share some testimonies about the power of a true baptism.

Plus much more...    


Love to you all . 




If you want to be baptized or just connect with disciples in your area. Just click on the links below.

To contact Glenn.

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For those in Australia.


If you want some professional coaching to get life in order. Than just contact Glenn. 

For more information on the coaching programs, go to YB12 Coach. 

Blessings to you in Jesus name.