Whether you are a faithful follower of this Direction Not Perfection podcast or you are tuning in for the first time, you may not know that this podcast stems from my book Direction Not Perfection, Accountability and Coaching from your Wine-loving Dietitian. The book is the realization of my dream to help individuals with weight and health struggles. It was made possible by encouragement and advice from my business coach Andrea Dale, editing, by my friend Colleen Weinkam and with the guidance and expertise of Braughler Books Hybrid Publishing Company. Today I have the honor of interviewing David Braughler the founder and CEO of Braughler Books. He and his team work with authors, organizations and executives to help them turn their stories and expertise into published books. Without Braughler Books my book would not have happened and this podcast would never have launched. I’m so thankful for David and his amazing company for spurring my dreams into action.

After seeing client after client with the same issues and concerns about their weight and fitness I wanted to reach out to people to let them know they are not alone and there are resources available to help them. I wanted to help them rewrite the rules to what success can look like and teach them that the scale number does not have to be the sole measuring stick that makes or breaks their journey… and so much more. I knew I wanted to get this information out by writing a book, but that was all I knew. David and Braughler Books helped to make my dream a reality. They walked me through everything from having a file on a flash drive to holding my book in my hands. Meeting him in a parking lot with a trunk full of books was better than Christmas.

David’s business is to help people understand that they really can publish a book.

The best part about helping people tell their stories is seeing the look on the author’s face when they see their dreams have come true.

My book is about the importance of accountability and coaching to be healthy and fit. The information, suggestions and ideas that I share transfer over to so much more than health and fitness. I used the help of a book coach to write my book and I so appreciated having her help me through the process. David also utilizes business coaches to help him build his business and he has a group of other small businessmen, his “board” who get together by zoom to commiserate, help each other and hold each other accountable. He believes it is important to have others hold our feet to the fire and to have a different perspective on our progress and wins… even to have others to help us celebrate our wins!! David tells us to approach life with enthusiasm.

The most inspiring, common trait that he can pull from his authors are their “strength & courage”. History will live on, stories will be passed down, generations can be changed because of the work that Braughler books offers. Grandparents and great-grandparents would love to sit and tell their story. The stories can be eye opening. So do not hesitate. Ask them their stories and write them down.

True stories, memoirs and self-help books are just some of the genres that Braughler books publishes. Fiction is another type. They publish books for children and adults. I had the privilege of introducing a teen family member who had written a book for young adults to David and Braughler Books. When David read it, he couldn’t put her story down. Ember’s Dragon, written by my brother-in-law’s niece Emily Tilton, is now available for your reading pleasure through Braughler Books.

David has learned from his authors to approach life with enthusiasm. His enthusiasm makes a difference in both his and other people’s day. Do something that matters. If you are helping other people, it ends up helping you.

Over the last ten years, David has collaborated and worked directly with more than 500 authors on nearly 400 titles. The books range from self-help, faith based and children’s books to memoirs, business topics and personal essays. They focus heavily on content, message and story no matter whether the quantity of books ordered is 10, 100 or 1000. Helping you tell your story is what is important.

He’s a frequent speaker at regional and national conferences and is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association. You can find all of his information at Braughlerbooks.com… including a place to purchase your very own Direction Not Perfection hardback to decorate your coffee table .





