In the past two weeks my podcasts have focused on self-talk. What we tell ourselves determines how we feel and how we feel determines how we act.

Not to beat a dead horse but I wanted to bring on one more person who feels strongly about this. Hearing what I truly believe, from a motivational speaker, a psychologist, and now another physical trainer implants in my mind that this is an important issue that affects our physical and mental health and I want to make sure it is implanted in your mind.

I brought back Lynda Ratliff for today’s interview. In Episode 24 I interviewed Lynda, C.O.O. of HomeFit Consulting. HomeFit includes trainers, yoga, nutrition and health coaches who meet you where you are; both in physical location and along your personal fitness journey. In these CoronaVirus times meeting one on one or virtually is especially important to avoid gathering with many others at fitness centers or clubs.


How you see things and what you tell yourself depends on the filters you use. Examples of filters are things that happened in your childhood, things done to you or said to you and/or success you have had. You have a unique layer of filters different from anyone else.

Have you ever been told that your health journey is 80% nutrition and 20% fitness? If you can get the eating under control, then the fitness component will fall into place and provide the rest of the effort needed for success. But Lynda sees a different equation. We should be talking about nutrition, fitness and our mental wellness. Her equation of 50% brain work, 40% nutrition and 10% fitness will help us to get our mind right. Until you do that, the 80 - 20 doesn’t matter.

This is a never-ending conversation that she has with people. Change comes in stages and you will backslide. It is important to redirect and get back on the path. People need to hear this over and over. That doesn’t mean they are failing. It is reinforcement, filling your ears with inspiration.

Garbage in Garbage out.

The negative things you hear, see and read all the time, even (or especially) though it goes through your filters, comes out negative. So instead, fill your mind with positive things.

Lynda sees the world through rose colored glasses. She sees things as good and positive. You may feel like she is over the top on this, but everything is perspective and perception.

This optimistic, positive outlook helped her get through 3 surgeries for cancer and the accompanying treatments. She put on her Christian radio station and got filled with joy on the way into radiation appointments. It became a great, positive experience. That made her healthier. Positive people are healthier people. Her positive outlook rippled beyond herself to the nurses who treated her. They looked forward to her positivity. She was the light in their day.

Lynda is holding a weekend retreat this September. It is sold out to her family and friends, but it will be a pilot program to get feedback for future groups. It will include Yoga, group fitness, circuit and self-defense classes, plus seminars on nutrition, food planning and reading labels. She hopes to pull attendees away from their typical living environment which may not be conducive to changing. They have to get where they want to do things intrinsically. They need to connect with their why. Why do you want to be healthy or maybe why don’t you want to be healthy? The goal is to take you out of your environment and shake you up a little. Life doesn’t have to be like it is. It takes more than a couple of days, but this introduces you to what it could feel like. She hopes to pull in different resources for future groups so watch for information on upcoming groups in 3 to 6 months.


Instagram: coach_lynda


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IG: @houselifestyles