As women, we are proud to say that we take care of our husbands, our kids, our homes, our jobs, our churches and many other important things. But if we say we take care of ourselves we feel guilty and selfish. Today I not only give you permission to practice self-care, but I also encourage you to move it to the top of your priority list. You cannot pour from an empty cup, so you need to prioritize self-care to be able to care for others.

Jennifer Zumbiel, of Togather Moments, interviewed me about self-care and how that fits into the Direction Not Perfection mentality. The fit is seamless. Getting proper nutrition and staying fit are a part of taking care of yourself. If you have barriers to self-care, they are also affecting your health. If guilt and fear of being selfish are keeping you from doing something for yourself, consider the question, “Is it helping or hindering my life?”, posed in Famous in Heaven and at Home by Michelle Meyers. If you can answer “helping” than it is important to make time for it in your day. You will know it is right if it “feels well with your soul”. The benefits you get from doing something for you, will ripple into the other parts of your life. You may not see results right away, but you will know it is worth fighting for. Guilt will go away if you can look back and see that the efforts you put into yourself have made you a better person. By taking care of yourself and making yourself the best you can be, you will have energy to pour onto others.

That would give you the opportunity to be a great wife, a great mom, a great friend, a great career woman and/or a great daughter. But remember, you can’t be all of them in the same day. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are human, we need grace and love. By letting others know we aren’t perfect and could use their help, we give them a chance to fill their own cup by helping. Ask for help and enjoy the ripple.

The word for the day is “permission”. Think about making it your “word of the year”. Give yourself

Permission to take care of yourself.

Permission to ask for help.

Permission to carve out time in the day for fitness or nutrition.

Permission to be a role model for your kids so they understand self-care.

Permission to not be perfect, or everything to everyone every day.

Permission to slow down.

Ask for help, go for a walk, listen to something fun or positive, give yourself 10 minutes each morning to organize your day and/or meditate. Take time for you. If guilt creeps in throw it back. Choose to do things throughout the day that ultimately “help not hinder” your life because you are fighting to be the best you that you can be.
