TGIF. Usually Friday marks the end of a busy week at work or school, running errands, transporting kids, keeping appointments, etc. By Friday, everyone is anticipating some down time at home and looking forward to sporting events, date nights, parties and church services to name just a few fun things. Over the course of several weeks it has become difficult to even realize it is Friday. Most people are (hopefully) staying at home and limiting contact with others and all those out and about activities are cancelled until further notice. COVID-19 has turned the world on its end and anything that was “usual” is likely to be changed. Those changes affect all of us differently. For some, life is now at a slower pace, while for others, the pace has ramped up to crazy levels. Many are experiencing stress like they never have before. This is a heavy load to bear and we are all in it together. It will get better, but it is not going to go away quickly. Even when it does, things will probably not be exactly like they were before.

It is easy for those who remain healthy to focus on the many inconveniences and disappointments that we are suffering. For many it is much more than that, as they are dealing with being laid off, not knowing how they will pay their next bill or caring for those who have become sick, or worse, due to this virus. I fully realize that some individuals do not have the luxury to be thinking about if their family is eating around the table together or exercising together. But as your “Wine-Loving Dietitian”, personal trainer and accountability coach I am going to do my part towards helping the world by doing what I do best. I want to give you inspiration to keep healthy habits at the top of your priority list, so you get through this unusual, crazy, difficult time without losing all the beautiful momentum that you have worked so hard to build.

Now is a great time to embrace the Directioning Not Perfectioning mindset. Our barriers have changed and are continuing to change. I love that my kids are home now. They are fun to be around, homeschooling has even been a pleasant surprise, but my kid focus is trumping all… trumping my workouts, my communication time, my client time and podcasting creativity! A huge part of my problem is that I usually get a lot of my inspiration by listening to others through podcasts, sermons, etc… all currently not happening how they used too. I am having to “Direction not Perfection” my way through my days and you can do the same.

We need to give ourselves permission and grace … allowing ourselves to lay our head down at night and be proud because we did the best we could for that day, for these circumstances. We could also take this time to build insight… build gratitude… and strengthen our relationships with those around us.

Surprising Benefits of Being Quarantined:

1. More time with family. We can jokingly complain about all being stuck together or we could take this time to pour love onto our family and let them know how much we love them. Pull out the board games, fire up the family TV shows, hit the living room couches and everyone grab your favorite book! My DNP example here is that you don’t have to look like the Brady Bunch or Leave it to Beaver. Your time won’t look perfect, but it will never be wasted. Remember, we are only human and it’s ok if tears or yelling happen because sometimes. that’s just life!

2. Dinner can be at the table every night! No sports, no crazy amounts of schoolwork. My DNP part of this is that eating around the table doesn’t necessarily have to be around the table. It could be on the couch (all together). It could be a picnic outside. The food might not be perfectly healthy… the point is, its together and making it happen.

3. You now have time for cooking. You can investigate recipes and have fun in the kitchen. The DNP here is not to get caught up in crazy detailed recipes or super healthy recipes… use this time to build the enjoyment of being in the kitchen. You can even pull the kids in to help.

4. Walks with the family. The DNP here is that happy movement will look different for everyone! You could call and check on a friend while walking or you could throw in a workout DVD and escape to a different room for some alone time.

5. Saving money, catching up on reading, spring cleaning, enjoying kids’ activities online, pets loving all the interaction… and everyone’s lists go on!!

6. Create your own list of surprising benefits.
