Does your mind control you? Does it talk you out of workouts, help you find excuses or compare you to other more successful people? It’s time to take back control. The circumstances we find ourselves in are real. However, we have choices on how we view those circumstances. It is possible to train your mind toward positivity which will ripple into good habits and attainable success!

When we talk about anything that revolves around health and attaining sustainable habits, we have to have the right self-talk and mindset to keep pressing on, hitting the reset button and rising up to the next challenge.

My inspiration for today’s topic comes from a podcast of “The Open Door Sisterhood”. Episode 204, Mental Training for Your Athlete” contains an interview with Trisha Knoll. She and her husband started a non-profit organization called “The Difference Maker”. It’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of athletes by training, equipping and inspiring them in sports and in life. As I always say, when I hear amazing content on any topic, I like to show how it crosses over into other facets of life, especially the health and fitness arena.

By changing our self-talk, we can train our mind to be more positive. Below are some areas we can work on.

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

Example:” I’m not good at this.” vs “What am I missing?” Could I try something else that might give me similar results? The fixed mindset is a statement that shuts down any other thought. The Growth Mindset opens the mind into evaluating and tweaking to make progress.

The power of “Yet”

“Yet” is an extremely powerful word. It means that as of now it hasn’t happened, but it still can!

Controllable vs Uncontrollable

Some things we have control over, such as choosing whether or not to work out because we are tired. Other things are completely out of our control such as missing a workout because of a call from the school about a sick child. Outline your barriers to being healthy and fit. Decide if they are really out of your control or if there are small changes you could make that would make them controllable. If it is really uncontrollable, accept that fact and don’t spend so much energy trying to fix it. Put your time and energy into changing things you do have some control over.

Mistakes refining us vs defining us

Failure is a part of everyone’s life. What if we looked at our failures or mistakes as an opportunity to refine ourselves? We can look back and see what we could have done better or what was actually working and keep that part going rather than letting our mistakes or failures define us.

I have had a lot of failures/mistakes in my career. By persevering and utilizing coaching support, I now have a successful business, have published a book and started podcasting. I have found my happy spot within my career. I was able to move to another state and still maintain my career and happiness by bringing my clients along virtually. All this was possible because rather than being defined by my mistakes I learned from them and refined my approach to my career.


The Difference Maker Nonprofit: