
Getting a medical diagnosis that you have a progressive neurological condition that will take away your body’s ability to balance, walk, move and function would be devastating. 

As an active person who is not satisfied doing sedentary things, it would be impossible to see a future that was meaningful.  When Virginia Oman faced that very condition, and her health deteriorated until she was in a wheelchair, she lost all hope.  When you lose hope, you lose everything. 

From that dark place she realized that she was at a crossroad.  Her intuition was speaking to her loudly, telling her what her body needed.  She made the decision that she had nothing left to lose and decided to follow her intuition, instead of the protocol prescribed by the medical community, which was not helping her.  

30 years later Virginia is a therapist, counselor, life coach and inspirational speaker who helps “Transform The Impossible” like she transformed herself.  She helps individuals get to a better place in their life.  Virginia is with me today to share her inspiring story and give hope to those who are struggling.  Not just those with Multiple Sclerosis or a disability, but anyone who has lost hope through sadness, loss, severe depression, anxiety, or other such conditions.   


Virginia’s credentials include being a licensed Professional Counselor for 30+ years, a trained Life Coach and a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer. She is also certified in Behavior Change Motivation and Corrective Medicine by the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  She was chosen by the MS Association of America to be their National Ambassador


 Virginia’s tools align perfectly with the Direction Not Perfection lifestyle: 

-Find your “why’, your goal, your mission, what you want that is so important you will do anything to for it.

-Devise a wellness plan

-Take small steps every day. Focus on the path.  Little things, done consistently, over time will have a compounding effect. 

-Be accountable, especially to yourself.

-You don’t need to invest in magic medicine or machines. It is accessible within you. 

-Movement is everything to your physical and mental health.  Don’t be put off by the word “exercise”, just move; especially if you can do it outside. Connect with nature.

 To not only get your old life back, but to have more energy and joy than ever before, check out Virginia Oman and “Transform the Impossible.

Direction Not Perfection Resources:

IG: @houselifestyles

LinkedIN: @lindseyhouse