Get Out of Your Head Resources:


Instagram: @getoutofyourheadbooks

Books: "Get Out of Your Head, A Toolkit for Overcoming and Living with Anxiety"

"Get Out of Your Head Vol. 2: Navigating the Abyss of Depression": available November 11, 2021

Welcome to Episode 149: Get Out of Your Head – with Brian Sachetta. If you haven’t been hearing this through previous episodes, please hear this today, your mental well-being is essential to your overall health! Your mind is always with you.  If it isn’t in the right place, it isn’t going to help how you feel or improve your life in the long term.

Without the basic foundational element of feeling like you are worth something, you will not be able to maintain any positive changes in your physical state.  Today Brian Sachetta is with me to discuss his passion for helping people to manage their mental health by addressing anxiety and depression. 

 Brian is an author, blogger, and software developer from Boston, Massachusetts.  He started to suffer, from what he now knows was anxiety, in high school.  When he had a panic attack the first week of college, he knew he needed to do something about it, because he never wanted to experience that again.  That started a 10-year journey of research that culminated with his book “Get Out of Your Head: A Toolkit for Living with and Overcoming Anxiety”. 

He explains that when we are anxious, we are in our head, thinking too much.  We need to get to a place where we can think logically and reasonably.  In his book, Brian teaches us to zoom in on our fears and gives us a framework of ten strategies that we can use in a moment of acute anxiety.  We can use them all or just try the ones that resonate with you.  He also teaches us about zooming out to look at our lives, as a whole, so we can get in fewer of those acute, fearful, anxious places. 

Brian got control of his anxiety but realized that he also suffered from depression.  He has written a second book, "Get Out of Your Head Vol. 2: Navigating the Abyss of Depression" which was released yesterday! (I’m putting Amazon links for both of his books in the shownotes).  Navigating the Abyss of Depression contains personal stories like his first book, but is more research based.  He references studies and technical frameworks from psychology and psychiatry journals.

Tune in today to hear Brian discuss the importance of breathing, exercise, the effects of the autonomic nervous system, perception cycles and much more as he tries to help people get through this heavy and serious subject. By talking about it he hopes to help people be more open and honest with themselves and others.   

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