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Hello and welcome to the DTC Podcast. Today, we're diving deep into the art of creating top-of-funnel content that not only grabs attention but also drives conversions. Our guest is Avery from Pilot House, a leading digital marketing agency known for its innovative strategies. In this episode, Avery shares insights on how to transform your social media channels into powerful top-of-funnel machines.

Key Takeaways:

Humor in Ads: Why incorporating humor can significantly boost engagement and reduce ad costs.

Light Controversy: How sparking debates can drive comments and lower your cost per engagement.

Limited Edition Drops: Leveraging exclusive products to attract new audiences and reduce customer acquisition costs.

Discover how these strategies can help you build a robust top-of-funnel approach that keeps your brand top of mind and drives high-quality traffic.


00:00 - Introduction: Mastermind Events for Marketers

02:00 - Top Funnel Strategies: Key Speakers and Success Stories

04:00 - The Role of Humor in Advertising

06:00 - Engaging with Audience through Comments and Click-Through Rates

08:00 - Creating Controversial Ads for Increased Engagement

10:00 - Using Limited Edition Product Drops for New Customer Acquisition

12:00 - Measuring Success: Click-Through Rates and New Customer Acquisition Costs

14:00 - Emotional Targeting: The Power of Specific Ads

16:00 - Closing Remarks: Upcoming C-Suite Mastermind Event


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