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Hello and welcome to DTC Podcast, I’m Eric Dyck

Today we’re loading up on lead-edge retention and segmentation tricks and treats with returning guest, Troy Petrunoff from Every Man Jack, a clean ingredient self care brand for men we chatted with last year.

At that time Every Man Jack was moving off of Magento into the green fields of Shopify, so it was great to catch up on the benefits of the switch and a bunch of other high value retention goodies including…

Why it makes sense to segment q4 gift buyers from your core consumable product users (And how to do it simply)
Using gift cards to delight your most valuable customers and low friction ways to convert the coldest parts of your list..
As well as Gamified Sales and why your next sale should probably by a Boogo

The value troy brings here is just spooky, so don’t ghost…

On with the show!

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