When Chris messaged us over LinkedIn I was PUMPED. Crossnet is taking the world by storm, innovating a combination of Volleyball and Foursquare to create a truly NOVEL product that the world is lining up for.  

🥾Hear how they BOOTSTRAPPED the company from flipping 10 orders to making orders of 22,000 units a pop.   

🛒Hear how they used Linked In and classic content marketing to reach the influential retail merchandisers at Target, Dicks, and Walmart.  

📩Learn how an education focused email marketing strategy and correct use of Wheelio went from driving $3K a month to $150K in just a few months.   

🏋🏻‍♀️See someone working out on a balcony for the first time ever on the Hot Seat!  

02:20 - Origin of Crossnet 04:45 - The Design and Rules of Crossnet 

05:20 - Prototyping a Novel Product 

06:45 - Using LinkedIn and Content Marketing to Get Crossnet into Dicks, Walmart, and Target 

09:30 - Chris' Entrepreneurial Journey 

10:30 - How to Bootstrap your product from  minimum shipments - 22K orders a pop 

13:15 - Who's buying your product, and who's the end consumer (are they the same?) 

14:30 - Premium Products vs Quality Products (expectations) 

15:50 - Visual Grassroots marketing and Customer education 

18:05 - Crossnet Email Marketing Strategy ($3k - $150K) 

20:00 - Wheelio when it works 

20:48 - Video creative strategy (Budget video works!) 

22:45 - Crossnet and COVID performance 

25:30 - How to reach the moms who actually buy your product 

26:15 - Online vs Offline breakdown for Crossnet 

28:00 - Breakdown of Traffic sources for Crossnet + content marketing 

29:50 - Importance of a unified voice for brand copy 

30:40 - One area to improve more: email still 

31:25 - $100K Grant - Use it to build a Podcast! 

32:55 - Eric's Advice on starting a podcast 

34:27 - How Crossnet does FB Ads 

35:15 - Crossnet and SMS