In this episode, we will learn:

how to voice the nasal finals ending in “n”: an, en, uan, uen, ian, in, üan, ün;
how to voice the nasal finals ending in “ng”: ang, eng, ong, uang, ueng, iang, ing, iong;
the writing rule when Group 4 finals combine with the initials j, q, x;
the abbreviation rule for uen;
how to differentiate the finals uan and üan, and between uen and ün, when they are used with initials;
the writing rule when these finals are used without initials;
how to voice the retroflex final er;
five new Mandarin words: Zhōngguó, Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, xiānsheng, zàijiàn; and
the possible pinyin combinations for these finals.