About Our Guest

Phil Johnson serves as executive director of Grace to You, the media ministry which features John MacArthur’s teaching. He is an elder for Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, California, and helps shepherd the GraceLife fellowship group. He and his wife Darlene have been married since 1978, and they have three married sons and seven grandchildren.

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Ways to Connect with Phil Personal Website: Romans45.org Twitter: @Phil_Johnson_ Sermons from The GraceLife Pulpit PyroManiacs blog Additional Presentations of Phil’s Salvation Testimony A Fool for Christ’s Sake A Word of Personal Testimony How I Became a Christian (video, 18:30) Saved by Biblical Truth (audio, 16:40) Other Notes

Phil graduated with a bachelor’s degree in theology from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

The first message Phil heard from John MacArthur was turned into a booklet, Found: God’s Will.

Phil donated his Spurgeon Archive to Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for their further development.

Listen to Phil’s six-part sermon series on some of the major heresies from history that still afflict the church today.

Phil’s Preaching Events in March 2020

March 4–6, at the annual Shepherds’ Conference, sponsored by Grace Church in Los Angeles, California.

March 27–28, at the annual Answers for Women conference, sponsored by Answers in Genesis.

March 29, to Liberty Bible Church in Williamstown, Kentucky.

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