This episode is packed with powerful networking insights from master connector Steve Ramona. Tune in to learn Steve's time-tested strategies for building authentic relationships, generating quality referrals, and growing your business through connection.

What you'll learn:
→ Strategies for effective virtual and in-person networking
→ Tips for meaningful conversations that add value
→ Techniques for nurturing relationships and follow up
→ Ideas for using your network to collaborate and make introductions
→ Best practices for nonprofits to engage donors and partners

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:
[11:19] The importance of active listening in meetings and asking thoughtful questions.
[16:03] Using conversations to connect people and look for opportunities.
[21:51] Following up to build rapport and stay top of mind for referrals.
[26:19] Hosting free workshops to provide value and generate referrals.
[37:38] Getting better by 1% each day and practicing service.

Is your Nonprofit ready for collaboration? Quiz
Steve Ramona's monthly podcast workshop. Reach out for more info through LinkedIn or by text at 408-642-6288
Steve Ramona's business education sessions every other Monday at

Steve Ramona
Host of the Pantheon Alliance Mastermind

Steve Ramona, a unique super-connector, specializes in building partnerships through his personalized introductions. These introductions are emails and include video explanations, adding a personal touch to each connection. Steve's introductions have been incredibly successful, resulting in 25 million dollars in deals over the past 11 years. This track record speaks volumes about the value he brings to each connection.

Steve has a podcast, Doing Business with a Servant's Heart, with an audience of over 40,000 people per episode.

He also has a TV show called Together We Serve, which has a 1.2 million audience monthly. Steve’s shows mostly feature CEOs, founders, Presidents, and Entrepreneurs with incredible stories. Steve finds great people to partner with and introduce partnerships through these shows.

Learn more at

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