Collaborations are a great way to get more visibility for your organization, build trust, and get new donors. There are so many different ways you can collaborate – it's only limited by your imagination. Tune in to discover unexpected partnerships and learn how working with others can strengthen your mission impact.

What you'll learn: → Unconventional collaboration ideas beyond traditional fundraising events → Best practices for guest speaking, social media partnerships and cross-promotion →  An abundant mindset for non-profit partnerships →  Guidelines for evaluating collaborative opportunities →  Strategies for deepening engagement with sponsors Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[5:30] Collaborations like guest podcasting and speaking help organizations position themselves as thought leaders and build trust with new audiences.
[11:04] Adopting an abundant mindset when collaborating sees partnerships as mutually beneficial ways to showcase collective impact, rather than competitive opportunities.
[16:11] Set clear expectations around goals and asks with hosts of small donor events to ensure collaborations are beneficial for all involved.
[19:40] Expanding engagement with sponsors through shared content and brainstorming new ideas can strengthen partnerships over time.

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