Social media marketing is the rocket fuel that makes your content go viral. The problem? It can be pretty difficult for many entrepreneurs to strike a balance between engaging consumers and to be focused on their core business. If you're not careful, though, you can easily transgress the unwritten laws of social media, and that will cost you time and money.

Social media marketing has changed the way businesses reach their customers' hands down. If you're on social media, then you've probably made at least one of these eight common mistakes; that's if you haven't made them all.

Let's look at how to prevent that in today’s episode: The Art of Social Media Marketing: 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid.

What you will learn:

Working Without a Plan - Instead of letting your schedule fly by like the wind, why not use it to plan out the content you want to put online?ite with your target audience in mind but make it engaging.

Assuming Your Audience is Everyone - If you try to reach everyone, you'll reach no one.

Buying Followers - Buying followers will only hurt you because it makes it look like your company has something to hide.

Choosing the Wrong Tone - Don't be afraid to experiment with using language on social media. Quirky, clever, funny — whatever works for you.

Using Irrelevant Hashtags - Hashtags can be beneficial for staying on top of important topics and keywords related to your business, but like most things in life, they are only helpful if used correctly. 

Staying Silent - The world is talking about you every day. Are you talking back?

Deleting Negative Comments -  Always remember to be sensitive when responding to negative comments on social media, or else you may come across as offensive or even desperate.

Being Unremarkable & Unbending - Marketers assume that the only way they can make something go viral is if they use controversial topics or images to get attention — but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Links For This Episode:

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