Jennie Lyon lays out the facts about the value of sales funnels and why you need to create a clear, concise path from interest to purchase for your potential clients and buyers! Learn how to remove the obstacles to purchase that are in your clients’ way and make it as easy as possible for them to commit to purchase!  

In today’s episode, Jennie explains the value of building a dedicated sales funnel and how important it is to take charge of your audience’s purchasing journey from Awareness to Action! 

What you will learn:

You have to tell your audience you exist and assure them that you are the best place for them to go to solve their problem.It’s your responsibility and privilege to make the path from Awareness to Action as seamless as possible for your potential clients!Issues, undue barriers, and errors in your point of purchase reflect directly on you and your product, so curate their experience. Sometimes a client is ready to commit to the purchase but gets sidetracked or interrupted. Have a plan in place to recapture them!

Links For This Episode:

Sales Funnel Not Converting? A Virtual Assistant to the Rescue!Set Up a Free Call With Jennie!  

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