I genuinely think a webinar is one of the best pieces of content that a small business owner can make.

They are absolutely fantastic ways to position yourself as an expert online and reach out to your audience on a personal level. However, there can often a question about the type of webinar you should create. Should you do it live? Or create a pre-recorded, evergreen piece of content?

In this week’s episode, I’m going to be answering that question. Personally, I think it’s a bit of a false choice. When it comes to the question of live vs. evergreen, you can have your cake and eat it too… so long as you have a little help (like a VA) working in the background! 

View complete details on my blog post!

Links For This Episode:

Ultimate Step-by-Step Webinar Checklist for Your Virtual AssistantThe Ultimate Webinar Launch Planner Workbook

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