Releasing content regularly—whether its blog posts, videos, social media content, or podcasts—can be a ton of work, and trying to create all that content every week can be a never-ending process. How can you ever get ahead? Easy: Batch it!

In my 20+ years in the digital marketing and virtual assistant industry, I've learned that the only way I can keep up with my own business' marketing and still be there for my clients is the batch method. Batching content means creating up to a month's worth of content at once. You will be amazed at how much time and stress this will save you.

In this episode, I discuss the hows and whys of batching content, but most of all, what kind of content is perfect for this method. Blog posts, podcasts, videos, and more are ideal for building in groups, and I'll cover details about all of these, plus six steps to follow so you can do it yourself.

View complete details on my blog post!

Links for this episode:

Free Download: 3-Month Content CalendarFree Download: Blog Breakdown WorkbookPortfolioDigital Marketing Made Simple Podcast Community on Facebook

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